import dataiku import pandas as pd import torch from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer print("Running script ...\n\n\n") BATCH_SIZE = 8 DEVICE = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") print(f"DEVICE: {DEVICE}, processing batches of {BATCH_SIZE}\n\n") print("Loading model ..\n\n" ) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( "databricks/dolly-v2-3b", padding_side="left" ) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "databricks/dolly-v2-3b", device_map="auto", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16 ).eval() DATASET_NAME = "beauty_product_reviews" df = dataiku.Dataset(DATASET_NAME).get_dataframe() print( ## Zero-shot print("\n\nZero-shot \n") # Build the zero-shot prompt prompt0 = "Decide whether the following product review's sentiment is positive, neutral, or negative.\n\nProduct review:\n{}\nSentiment:" target_tokens = ['positive', 'neutral', 'negative'] target_token_ids = [tokenizer.encode(k)[0] for k in target_tokens] # target_tokens, target_token_ids results0 = None for i in range(0, len(df), BATCH_SIZE): print(i) # Instantiate the prompts prompts = [prompt0.format(txt) for txt in df["text"][i:i+BATCH_SIZE]] # Tokenize the prompts and compute the next token probabilities with the model input_ids = tokenizer(prompts, return_tensors="pt", padding=True).input_ids with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model( result = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=-1)(outputs.logits[:, -1, target_token_ids]) if results0 is None: results0 = result else: results0 =, result), axis=0) predicted_token_ids = torch.argmax(results0, axis=1) predictions0 = [target_tokens[i] for i in predicted_token_ids] scores0_df = pd.DataFrame( results0.float().cpu().numpy(), columns=[f"proba_{k}" for k in target_tokens] ) df_zeroshot = pd.concat([df, pd.Series(predictions0, name='prediction'), scores0_df], axis=1) ## Few-shot print("\n\nFew-shot \n") # Build the prompt with examples prompt = "Decide whether the following product reviews' sentiment is positive, neutral, or negative." examples = [ ( "I love my new chess board!", "positive" ), ( "Not what I expected but I guess it'll do", "neutral" ), ( "I'm so disappointed. The product seemed much better on the website", "negative" ) ] for example in examples: prompt += f"\n\nProduct review:\n{example[0]}\nSentiment:\n{example[1]}" prompt += "\n\nProduct review:\n{}\nSentiment:\n" results = None for i in range(0, len(df), BATCH_SIZE): print(i) # Instantiate the prompts prompts = [prompt.format(txt) for txt in df["text"][i:i+BATCH_SIZE]] # Tokenize the prompts and compute the next token probabilities with the model input_ids = tokenizer(prompts, return_tensors="pt", padding=True).input_ids with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model( result = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=-1)(outputs.logits[:, -1, target_token_ids]) if results is None: results = result else: results =, result), axis=0) predicted_token_ids = torch.argmax(results, axis=1) predictions = [target_tokens[i] for i in predicted_token_ids] scores_df = pd.DataFrame( results.float().cpu().numpy(), columns=[f"proba_{k}" for k in target_tokens] ) df_fewshot = pd.concat([df, pd.Series(predictions, name='prediction'), scores_df], axis=1) from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score acc_zeroshot = accuracy_score(df_zeroshot["sentiment"], df_zeroshot["prediction"]) acc_fewshot = accuracy_score(df_fewshot["sentiment"], df_fewshot["prediction"]) acc_zeroshot, acc_fewshot print("Classification completed! And now calculating the results you've been waiting for ..") import random print("".join(str(random.randint(0, 9)) for _ in range(50))) print("".join(str(random.randint(0, 9)) for _ in range(30))) print("".join(str(random.randint(0, 9)) for _ in range(20))) print ("ALL DONE\n\n") from sklearn.metrics import f1_score f1_zeroshot = f1_score(df_zeroshot["sentiment"], df_zeroshot["prediction"], average="weighted") f1_fewshot = f1_score(df_fewshot["sentiment"], df_fewshot["prediction"], average="weighted") print("Zero-shot accuracy:", acc_zeroshot) print("Few-shot accuracy:", acc_fewshot) print("Zero-shot F1 score:", f1_zeroshot) print("Few-shot F1 score:", f1_fewshot)