from dash import html, dcc, no_update, set_props import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State import dataiku from dataiku import SQLExecutor2 from duckduckgo_search import DDGS import json dbc_css = "" app.config.external_stylesheets = [dbc.themes.SUPERHERO, dbc_css] # LLM setup PROJECT = "" # DSS project key goes here LLM_ID = "" # LLM ID for the LLM Mesh connection + model goes here client = dataiku.api_client() project = client.get_project(PROJECT) llm = project.get_llm(LLM_ID) def create_chat_session(): """Create a new chat session with tools and prompt""" chat = llm.new_completion() # Import tools from JSON file library = project.get_library() tools_file = library.get_file("/python/tools.json") tools_str = tools_dict = json.loads(tools_str) chat.settings["tools"] = tools_dict["tools"] SYSTEM_PROMPT = """You are a customer information assistant. You can: 1. Look up customer information in our database 2. Search for additional information about companies online When looking up customer info, you will: 1. First get customer details 2. Then look up their company 3. Summarize in a single paragraph with details on both""" chat.with_message(SYSTEM_PROMPT, role="system") return chat def get_customer_details(customer_id): """Get customer information from database""" dataset = dataiku.Dataset("pro_customers_sql") table_name = dataset.get_location_info().get('info', {}).get('table') executor = SQLExecutor2(dataset=dataset) customer_id = customer_id.replace("'", "\\'") query_reader = executor.query_to_iter( f"""SELECT name, job, company FROM "{table_name}" WHERE id = '{customer_id}'""") for (name, job, company) in query_reader.iter_tuples(): return f"The customer's name is \"{name}\", holding the position \"{job}\" at the company named {company}" return f"No information can be found about the customer {customer_id}" def search_company_info(company_name): """Search for company information online""" with DDGS() as ddgs: results = list(ddgs.text(f"{company_name} (company)", max_results=1)) if results: return f"Information found about {company_name}: {results[0]['body']}" return f"No information found about {company_name}" def process_tool_calls(tool_calls): """Process tool calls and return results""" tool_name = tool_calls[0]["function"]["name"] llm_args = json.loads(tool_calls[0]["function"]["arguments"]) if tool_name == "get_customer_info": return get_customer_details(llm_args["customer_id"]) elif tool_name == "get_company_info": return search_company_info(llm_args["company_name"]) # Dash app layout app.layout = html.Div([ dbc.Row([html.H2("Using LLM Mesh with an agent in Dash")]), dbc.Row(dbc.Label("Please enter the ID of the customer:")), dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id="customer_id", placeholder="Customer Id"), width=10), dbc.Col(dbc.Button("Search", id="search", color="primary"), width="auto") ], justify="between"), dbc.Row([dbc.Col(dbc.Textarea(id="result", style={"min-height": "500px"}), width=12)]), dbc.Toast( [html.P("Searching for information about the customer", className="mb-0"), dbc.Spinner(color="primary")], id="auto-toast", header="Agent working", icon="primary", is_open=False, style={"position": "fixed", "top": "50%", "left": "50%", "transform": "translate(-50%, -50%)"}, ), dcc.Store(id="chat-state"), dcc.Store(id="step", data={"current_step": 0}), ], className="container-fluid mt-3") @app.callback( [Output("result", "value"), Output("chat-state", "data")], Input("search", "n_clicks"), [State("customer_id", "value"), State("chat-state", "data")], prevent_initial_call=True, running=[(Output("auto-toast", "is_open"), True, False), (Output("search", "disabled"), True, False)] ) def update_output(n_clicks, customer_id, chat_state): if not customer_id: return no_update, no_update # Create new chat session chat = create_chat_session() # Start conversation about customer content = f"Tell me about the customer with ID {customer_id}" chat.with_message(content, role="user") conversation_log = [] while True: response = chat.execute() if not response.tool_calls: # Final answer received chat.with_message(response.text, role="assistant") conversation_log.append(f"Final Answer: {response.text}") break # Handle tool calls chat.with_tool_calls(response.tool_calls, role="assistant") tool_call_result = process_tool_calls(response.tool_calls) chat.with_tool_output(tool_call_result, tool_call_id=response.tool_calls[0]["id"]) # Log the step tool_name = response.tool_calls[0]["function"]["name"] tool_args = response.tool_calls[0]["function"]["arguments"] conversation_log.append(f"Tool: {tool_name}\nInput: {tool_args}\nResult: {tool_call_result}\n{'-'*50}") return "\n".join(conversation_log), {"messages": chat.cq["messages"]}