import dash from dash import html from dash import dcc import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc from dash.dependencies import Input from dash.dependencies import Output from dash.dependencies import State from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate import dataiku from import send_prompt from import write_question_answer_sql from import write_question_answer_csv # use the style of examples on the Plotly documentation app.config.external_stylesheets = [dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP, "/local/static/loading-state.css"] search_text_layout = html.Div([ dcc.Store(id='messages', data=[ {"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant"}]), dbc.Row([ dbc.Label("Max messages", html_for="max_messages", width=2), dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id="max_messages", value="5", type="number", min=1, max=10), width=2), dbc.Col(width=6), dbc.Col(dbc.Button("Reset conversation", id="flush_messages", n_clicks=0, class_name="btn-danger"), width=2, class_name="d-grid col-2 gap-2") ], class_name="mb-3", ), dbc.Row([ dbc.Label("Ask your question", html_for="search_input", width=2), dbc.Col(html.Div(children=[ dbc.Input(id="search_input", placeholder="What can I do for you?"), dcc.Loading(id="ls-loading-1", children=[html.Div(id="ls-loading-output-1")], type="default")]), width=10), ], className="mb-3", ), ]) # build your Dash app app.layout = html.Div([ search_text_layout, dbc.Row([ dbc.Col(width=2), dbc.Col(dbc.Textarea(id="text_output", style={"height": "200px"}), width=10)], class_name="mb-3"), dbc.Row( [dbc.Col(dbc.Button("Save this answer", id="save_answer", n_clicks=0, class_name="btn-primary", size="lg"))], justify="end", className="d-grid gap-2 col-12 mx-auto", ) ], className="container-fluid mt-3") @app.callback( [Output("ls-loading-output-1", "children"), Output("text_output", "value"), Output("messages", "data")], Input("search_input", "n_submit"), State("search_input", "value"), State("max_messages", "value"), State("messages", "data"), running=[ (Output("search_button", "disabled"), True, False), ], prevent_initial_call=True ) def get_answer(_, question, max_messages, messages): """ Ask a question to Chat GPT (with some context), and give back the response Args: _: number of enter pressed in the input text (not used) question: the question (with the context) max_messages: number of context messages to keep messages: the context Returns: the response, and an update version of the context """ if not (question) or not (max_messages) or not (messages): raise PreventUpdate while len(messages) > int(max_messages): messages.pop(1) messages.append({"role": "user", "content": question}) try: answer = send_prompt(messages) messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": answer}) return ["", answer, messages] except: return ["", "Something went wrong", messages] @app.callback( Output("messages", "data", allow_duplicate=True), Input("flush_messages", "n_clicks"), prevent_initial_call=True ) def reset_conversation(_clicks): """ Reset the conversation Args: _clicks: number of clicks on the flush button (unused) Returns: a new context for the conversation """ return [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant"}] @app.callback( Output("save_answer", "n_clicks"), Input("save_answer", "n_clicks"), State("search_input", "value"), State("text_output", "value"), prevent_initial_call=True ) def save_answer(_clicks, question, answer): """ Save the answer Args: _clicks: number of clicks on the flush button (unused) question: the question answer: the answer Returns: """ ## Uncomment these lines if you need to save into an SQL dataset # client = dataiku.api_client() # dataset_name = "History_SQL" # connection = "postgres" # connection_type = "sql" # project_key = client.get_default_project() # write_question_answer_sql(client, dataset_name, connection, connection_type, project_key, question, answer) ## Saving into a CSV dataset dataset_name = "History" write_question_answer_csv(dataset_name, question, answer)