import dataiku client = dataiku.api_client() project = client.get_default_project() llm_list = project.list_llms() for llm in llm_list: print(f"- {llm.description} (id: {})") LLM_ID = "" # Fill with a valid LLM_ID llm = project.get_llm(LLM_ID) completion = llm.new_completion() resp = completion.with_message("Q1: When was the movie Citizen Kane released?").execute() if resp.success: print(resp.text) else: print("Something went wrong. Check you have the permission to use the LLM.") completion = llm.new_completion() question = "When was the movie Citizen Kane released?" system_msg = """You are an expert in the history of American cinema. You always answer questions with a lot of passion and enthusiasm. """ resp = completion.with_message(role="system", message=system_msg).with_message(role="user", message=question).execute() if resp.success: print(resp.text) else: print("Something went wrong. Check you have the permission to use the LLM.")