Build Auto Prompt Strategies with DSPy in Dataiku#

DSPy is the framework for programming—rather than prompting—language models. It allows you to iterate fast on building modular AI systems. It offers algorithms for optimizing their prompts and weights, whether you’re building simple classifiers, sophisticated RAG pipelines, or Agent loops.

This tutorial shows how we can seamlessly integrate DSPy Auto Prompting strategies into Dataiku. DSPy has two main applications:

  1. Describe AI behavior as code instead of strings.

  2. Optimize your prompt to improve answer quality.

We will build a RAG module with DSPy to demonstrate the first application.

To demonstrate the second application, we will optimize our RAG module to maximize our answer quality.

Then, we can compare the performance of both RAG applications with the LLM Evaluate recipe.

This code could be run in a notebook. Let’s start!


  • Dataiku >= 13.3

  • Python >=3.9

  • A code environment:

    • with the “Retrieval Augmented Generation models (used by Knowledge banks)” package set installed

    • with the following packages:


You must also generate and add a DSS API key in your user secrets with the name dss_api_key.

The starter flow must contain the following:

  • A dataset with a set of questions & ground truth (for evaluation)

  • A Knowledge Bank built with relevant information for the questions.

  • Have a baseline prompt recipe run on the dataset using a RAG LLM built on the knowledge bank.

Setting up DSPy#

We start by importing all relevant packages for this tutorial.

import dataiku
import dspy
import logging

from langchain_core.documents.base import Document

To provide an LLM to DSPy, we will leverage Dataiku’s ability to provide an OpenAI-compatible endpoint.

We build a get_key_from_user_secret function as a convenient way to get an API key saved in our user’s secrets. We then build the parameters needed to configure the dspy client.


In this example, we saved an LLM_ID in the project variables to be defined once and reused many times across the project.

def get_key_from_user_secret(key_name : str):
    Fetches API key secret in user credentials
    auth_info = dataiku.api_client().get_auth_info(with_secrets=True)
    for secret in auth_info["secrets"]:
        if secret["key"] == key_name:
  "{key_name} has been set")
            return secret["value"]
    logging.error(f"The {key_name} is not provided in user credentials. Please set it in the user credentials")
# Prepare parameters
project_key = dataiku.api_client().get_default_project().project_key
base_url = f"{project_key}/llms/openai/v1/"
api_key = get_key_from_user_secret("dss_api_key")
LLM_id = dataiku.get_custom_variables()["LLM_id"]

# Load the LLM in DSPy as openai model
lm = dspy.LM(f"openai/{LLM_id}", api_key=api_key, api_base=base_url)

Building and Running a DSPy RAG Module on a set of queries#

Let’s load the inputs to our recipe:

  • We can load the input dataset containing questions and their ground truth answers.

  • We also load relevant information for our use case as a Langchain Retriever into the knowledge bank to simplify the retrieval.

df = dataiku.Dataset("test_dataset_filtered").get_dataframe()

retriever = (
    .as_langchain_retriever(search_kwargs={"k": 5})

It is time to build the DSPy chain of the Thought RAG client.

Notice that with the DSPy Framework, we never provide any prompt templates or text. We explain functionally that we will provide and context and a question, and that should yield a response.

We also define a semantic_search chain using the Retriever loaded up previously & a Document serializer function format_docs.


To compare apples with apples, we want the context serialization to be the same as the RAG baseline.

# Build DSPy predictor
rag = dspy.ChainOfThought('context, question -> response')

# Build Semantic Search Pipeline
def format_docs(docs : list[Document]) -> list[str]:
    Function to process a list of documents
    return [f"{doc.page_content}\n{doc.metadata}" for doc in docs]
semantic_search = retriever | format_docs

It is now time to check that everything is working as expected.

# Test dspy call
question = "Can I use python for data preparation in Dataiku?"
context = semantic_search.invoke(question)
rag(context=context, question=question)
    reasoning='Yes, you can use Python for data preparation in Dataiku. Dataiku DSS allows you to write Python recipes that can read and write datasets from various storage backends. You can manipulate datasets using regular Python code or by utilizing Pandas dataframes, making it a flexible option for data preparation tasks.',
    response='Yes, you can use Python for data preparation in Dataiku. Dataiku DSS supports Python recipes that allow you to read and write datasets, and you can manipulate the data using either standard Python code or Pandas dataframes.'

We can now run the DSPy RAG Module on our corpus of questions and save the results in the Flow to run the Evaluation Recipe on the results later.

for i in df.index:
    question =[i, "question"]
    context = semantic_search.invoke(question)
    answer = rag(context=context, question=question)[i, "generated_answer"] = answer.get("response")[i, "generated_reasoning"] = answer.get("reasoning")[i, "context_with_metadata"] = str(context)


The answers generated by this RAG module should have comparable results to the visual baseline created directly from the knowledge bank.

The advantage of this one is that we never had to write any prompts for the LLM explicitly.

We explained functionally what we wanted the LLM to do and let DSPy take care of the rest.

Optimize our DSPy RAG Module#

For this second application of DSPy, we will optimize our RAG module to generate higher-quality answers.

The Optimization can change both the generated prompt and the AI Module parameters, for example, the number of returned documents.

DSPy provides different optimizers which work by:

  • Synthesizing good few-shot examples for every module like dspy.BootstrapRS

  • Proposing and intelligently exploring better natural-language instructions for every prompt like dspy.MIPROv2

  • And build datasets for your modules and use them to finetune the LLM weights in your system, like dspy.BootstrapFinetune.3

In this example, we will be using the dspy.MIPROv2 Optimizer.

First we define our RAG DSPy module, which implements a forward function.

class RAG(dspy.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.respond = dspy.ChainOfThought('context, question -> response')

    def forward(self, question):
        context = semantic_search.invoke(question)
        return self.respond(question=question,context=context)
# Test the RAG module
rag = RAG()
rag(question = "Can I build and configure regression models in Dataiku?")
#dspy.inspect_history(n=1) # Display the raw prompt generated for the last n calls
    reasoning='Yes, you can build and configure regression models in Dataiku. The platform supports regression as one of the prediction types, allowing users to set a numeric target variable. In the Design tab, you can modify your target variable and choose regression for numeric targets. Additionally, Dataiku provides options for partitioning models, selecting performance metrics, and customizing hyperparameters, which are essential for effectively training regression models.',
    response='Yes, you can build and configure regression models in Dataiku. The platform allows you to set a numeric target variable and provides various options for model design, including partitioning, performance metrics, and hyperparameter customization.'

We then format our input ground truth data to be compatible with the optimizer.


This is a proof of concept. You might need to increase the number of ground truth Q&A to get better results.

# Prepare data for optimization
data = []
for idx, row in df.iterrows():
        "question" :row["question"],
        "response" :row["ground_truths"],
        "gold_doc_ids" : [] # Not available in input dataset
data = [dspy.Example(**d).with_inputs('question') for d in data]

trainset, devset = data[:20], data[20:50]
len(trainset), len(devset)

We then define a metric for optimizing.

In this example, we use the SemanticF1, but DSPy offers to choose from.

The dspy.Evaluate allows us to set an average performance for our baseline RAG Module.

from dspy.evaluate import SemanticF1

# Instantiate the metric & and evaluator
metric = SemanticF1(decompositional=True)
evaluate = dspy.Evaluate(devset=devset, metric=metric, num_threads=24,
                         display_progress=True, display_table=2)

# This sets a baseline Module Score
# Baseline Average Score : SemanticF1 = 55.3
question example_response gold_doc_ids reasoning pred_response SemanticF1
0 How can I write a if condition in a Prepare recipe? You should use th e "Create if, then, else statements" step. This p... [] To write an if condition in a Prepare recipe, you typically need t... To write an if condition in a Prepare recipe, you can add a step i... ✔️ [0.286]
1 How can I transform a dataset into an editable dataset? The “Push to editable” recipe allows you to copy a regular dataset... [] To transform a dataset into an editable dataset in Dataiku, you ca... To transform a dataset into an editable dataset, follow these step... ✔️ [0.400]
... 28 more rows not displayed ...

It is time to feed some golden examples of questions and answers to our DSPy optimizer to optimize our module’s prompt generation.


This step can take some time and is very LLM query heavy. Make sure to estimate the cost of running the optimization and configure the parameters to fit your budget and LLM rate limit.

tp = dspy.MIPROv2(metric=metric, auto="medium", num_threads=25)  # use fewer threads if your rate limit is small

optimized_rag = tp.compile(RAG(), trainset=trainset,
                           max_bootstrapped_demos=2, max_labeled_demos=2,

Once the training has been completed, we want to save the optimized model as a json artifact to a Dataiku Managed Folder.

That way, next time we need the optimized prompt, we can load it back instead of optimizing the RAG module again!

Since the artifacts are saved as json objects, you can navigate the folders and see how the prompt configuration has changed.

# Save the optimized model to managed folder
handle = dataiku.Folder("1fazm3ba")

# Save baseline rag
baseline_file_path = handle.get_path() + "/baseline_rag.json"

# Save optimized rag
optimized_rag_file_path = handle.get_path() + "/optimized_rag.json"
# Ex: Load the optimized model from a managed folder
loaded_rag = RAG()

Running the same question through the baseline and the optimized Module can already give us an idea of the difference in RAG performance.

question = 'How can I write a pandas dataframe to a dataset in Python?'
baseline = rag(question=question)
You can write a pandas DataFrame to a dataset in Python using the following code:

output_ds = dataiku.Dataset("myoutputdataset")

This code creates a Dataset object for your output dataset and writes the DataFrame my_dataframe to it while maintaining the dataset's schema.
pred = optimized_rag(question=question)
To write a Pandas DataFrame to a dataset in Python, you can use the following code:

import dataiku
import pandas as pd

# Assuming 'my_dataframe' is your Pandas DataFrame
output_ds = dataiku.Dataset("myoutputdataset")

This code creates a Dataset object for the specified output dataset and writes the DataFrame to it while maintaining the schema

To understand why the answers are different, we can look at the differences in the prompts sent over to the LLM for both modules leveraging the dspy.inspect_history(n=2) tool.

dspy.inspect_history(n=2) # Display the last two calls above

Evaluating both RAG Modules with the LLM Evaluate Recipe#

We could run the DSPy evaluator we created before, but the LLM Evaluate Recipe has a more comprehensive list of RAG metrics and integrates well with the rest of our Dataiku flow.

# Eval the optimized rag Module
# Result : SemanticF1 = 52.04
question example_response gold_doc_ids reasoning pred_response SemanticF1
0 How can I write a if condition in a Prepare recipe? You should use the "Create if, then, else statements" step. This p... [] In a Prepare recipe, you can write an if condition by using the sc... To write an if condition in a Prepare recipe, you need to add step... ✔️ [0.400]
1 How can I transform a dataset into an editable dataset? The “Push to editable” recipe allows you to copy a regular dataset... [] To transform a dataset into an editable dataset in Dataiku, you ca... To transform a dataset into an editable dataset in Dataiku, follow... ✔️ [0.600]

For this tutorial, all we need to do is log the relevant information to a dataset in the Flow to be used as input for the LLM Evaluate Recipe.

# Run optimized prompt
#df.drop(["generated_answer", "generated_reasoning","context_with_metadata"], axis=1, inplace=True)
for i in df.index:
    question =[i, "question"]
    answer = optimized_rag(question=question)[i, "generated_answer"] = answer.get("response")[i, "generated_reasoning"] = answer.get("reasoning")[i, "context_with_metadata"] = semantic_search.invoke(question)
