Building a Web Application with the agent#
In the previous parts of this series (here and here), you saw how to define tools and create an LLM-based agent capable of answering queries by calling those tools. This part demonstrates how to build a Dash web interface so end-users can interact with the agent in a browser.
Creating a webapp#
Create a new webapp by clicking on </> > Webapps.
Click the +New webapp, choose the Code webapp, then click on the Dash button, choose the An empty Dash app option, and choose a meaningful name.
Go to the Settings tabs, select the Python code environment with the packages in the prerequisites in the Code env option.
The predefined tools need to be present in a location accessible via code.
You can place the file (available here for download)
in </> > Libraries
. You can find detailed instructions in the
previous tutorial.
Creating the Dash application#
Since you saw how to build an agent in Part 2, next you’ll build a Dash application. Create a Dash layout that constructs an application like Figure 1, consisting of an input Textbox for entering a customer ID and an output Textarea.
# Dash app layout
app.layout = html.Div([
dbc.Row([html.H2("Using LLM Mesh with an agent in Dash")]),
dbc.Row(dbc.Label("Please enter the ID of the customer:")),
dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id="customer_id", placeholder="Customer Id"), width=10),
dbc.Col(dbc.Button("Search", id="search", color="primary"), width="auto")
], justify="between"),
dbc.Row([dbc.Col(dbc.Textarea(id="result", style={"min-height": "500px"}), width=12)]),
[html.P("Searching for information about the customer", className="mb-0"),
header="Agent working",
style={"position": "fixed", "top": "50%", "left": "50%", "transform": "translate(-50%, -50%)"},
dcc.Store(id="step", data={"current_step": 0}),
], className="container-fluid mt-3")
Dash wires everything up with callbacks to process user queries. Connect the
button to a function that invokes the agent with the @app.callback
In short, the callback function allows the user to enter the customer ID and
clicking the button to trigger the function with the agent. The agent then
processes the input and returns the final response.
[Output("result", "value"), Output("chat-state", "data")],
Input("search", "n_clicks"),
[State("customer_id", "value"), State("chat-state", "data")],
running=[(Output("auto-toast", "is_open"), True, False),
(Output("search", "disabled"), True, False)]
def update_output(n_clicks, customer_id, chat_state):
if not customer_id:
return no_update, no_update
# Create new chat session
Passing on the task to the agent#
Similar to the agent in Part 2, the chat agent session is created by the call to
function, which sets up an LLM via the LLM Mesh with the
system prompt.
Next, the application sends the information obtained about the customer to the agent. A loop is created to process the tool calls and responses, until no more tool calls are needed. You can see the expected output of the final application in the figure.
You now have an application that:
Uses an LLM-based agent to process queries
Imports predefined tools to complement LLM capabilities
Provides a user-friendly web interface
You could enhance this interface by adding a history of previous searches or creating a more detailed and cleaner results display. This example application provides a foundation for building more complex LLM-based browser applications, leveraging tool calls and webapp interfaces.
from dash import html, dcc, no_update, set_props
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
import dataiku
from dataiku import SQLExecutor2
from duckduckgo_search import DDGS
import json
dbc_css = ""
app.config.external_stylesheets = [dbc.themes.SUPERHERO, dbc_css]
# LLM setup
PROJECT = "" # DSS project key goes here
LLM_ID = "" # LLM ID for the LLM Mesh connection + model goes here
client = dataiku.api_client()
project = client.get_project(PROJECT)
llm = project.get_llm(LLM_ID)
def create_chat_session():
"""Create a new chat session with tools and prompt"""
chat = llm.new_completion()
# Import tools from JSON file
library = project.get_library()
tools_file = library.get_file("/python/tools.json")
tools_str =
tools_dict = json.loads(tools_str)
chat.settings["tools"] = tools_dict["tools"]
SYSTEM_PROMPT = """You are a customer information assistant. You can:
1. Look up customer information in our database
2. Search for additional information about companies online
When looking up customer info, you will:
1. First get customer details
2. Then look up their company
3. Summarize in a single paragraph with details on both"""
chat.with_message(SYSTEM_PROMPT, role="system")
return chat
def get_customer_details(customer_id):
"""Get customer information from database"""
dataset = dataiku.Dataset("pro_customers_sql")
table_name = dataset.get_location_info().get('info', {}).get('table')
executor = SQLExecutor2(dataset=dataset)
customer_id = customer_id.replace("'", "\\'")
query_reader = executor.query_to_iter(
f"""SELECT name, job, company FROM "{table_name}" WHERE id = '{customer_id}'""")
for (name, job, company) in query_reader.iter_tuples():
return f"The customer's name is \"{name}\", holding the position \"{job}\" at the company named {company}"
return f"No information can be found about the customer {customer_id}"
def search_company_info(company_name):
"""Search for company information online"""
with DDGS() as ddgs:
results = list(ddgs.text(f"{company_name} (company)", max_results=1))
if results:
return f"Information found about {company_name}: {results[0]['body']}"
return f"No information found about {company_name}"
def process_tool_calls(tool_calls):
"""Process tool calls and return results"""
tool_name = tool_calls[0]["function"]["name"]
llm_args = json.loads(tool_calls[0]["function"]["arguments"])
if tool_name == "get_customer_info":
return get_customer_details(llm_args["customer_id"])
elif tool_name == "get_company_info":
return search_company_info(llm_args["company_name"])
# Dash app layout
app.layout = html.Div([
dbc.Row([html.H2("Using LLM Mesh with an agent in Dash")]),
dbc.Row(dbc.Label("Please enter the ID of the customer:")),
dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id="customer_id", placeholder="Customer Id"), width=10),
dbc.Col(dbc.Button("Search", id="search", color="primary"), width="auto")
], justify="between"),
dbc.Row([dbc.Col(dbc.Textarea(id="result", style={"min-height": "500px"}), width=12)]),
[html.P("Searching for information about the customer", className="mb-0"),
header="Agent working",
style={"position": "fixed", "top": "50%", "left": "50%", "transform": "translate(-50%, -50%)"},
dcc.Store(id="step", data={"current_step": 0}),
], className="container-fluid mt-3")
[Output("result", "value"), Output("chat-state", "data")],
Input("search", "n_clicks"),
[State("customer_id", "value"), State("chat-state", "data")],
running=[(Output("auto-toast", "is_open"), True, False),
(Output("search", "disabled"), True, False)]
def update_output(n_clicks, customer_id, chat_state):
if not customer_id:
return no_update, no_update
# Create new chat session
chat = create_chat_session()
# Start conversation about customer
content = f"Tell me about the customer with ID {customer_id}"
chat.with_message(content, role="user")
conversation_log = []
while True:
response = chat.execute()
if not response.tool_calls:
# Final answer received
chat.with_message(response.text, role="assistant")
conversation_log.append(f"Final Answer: {response.text}")
# Handle tool calls
chat.with_tool_calls(response.tool_calls, role="assistant")
tool_call_result = process_tool_calls(response.tool_calls)
chat.with_tool_output(tool_call_result, tool_call_id=response.tool_calls[0]["id"])
# Log the step
tool_name = response.tool_calls[0]["function"]["name"]
tool_args = response.tool_calls[0]["function"]["arguments"]
conversation_log.append(f"Tool: {tool_name}\nInput: {tool_args}\nResult: {tool_call_result}\n{'-'*50}")
return "\n".join(conversation_log), {"messages": chat.cq["messages"]}