Govern Roles and Permissions#
The Role and Permissions feature lets you control who has authorization to view, edit, delete, and/or create items in Dataiku Govern. The Roles and Permissions Handler in the Python API is used to manage roles, role assignments and permissions.
Add a rule to assign a role to a new user#
import dataikuapi
host = "http(s)://GOVERN_HOST:GOVERN_PORT"
apiKey = "Your API key secret"
client = dataikuapi.GovernClient(host, apiKey)
# get the role and permissions editor
rp_editor = client.get_roles_permissions_handler()
# retrieve the role assignements for the Business initiative blueprint
bi_ra = rp_editor.get_role_assignments('bp.system.business_initiative')
# get the definition
bi_ra_def = bi_ra.get_definition()
# add a rule to assign the new user to the project manager role
project_manager_def = bi_ra_def.get_raw()['roleAssignmentsRules'].get('ro.project_manager', [])
"criteria": [],
"userContainers": [{"type": "user", "login": "new_user"}]
bi_ra_def.get_raw()['roleAssignmentsRules']['ro.project_manager'] = project_manager_def