Step 3: Create a Dataiku Saved Model using the best-performing model#
Dataiku offers pre-built capabilities to evaluate, deploy & monitor Machine Learning models. Our Python model needs to be stored as a Dataiku Saved Model to benefit these capabilities. In this notebook, we will collect the best model optimizing the accuracy metric from our previous experiment, and deploy it in the Flow as a Dataiku Saved Model.
Tip: Creating a Dataiku Saved Model will allow you to benefit from a set of pre-built evaluation interfaces along with deployment and monitoring capabilities.
0. Import packages#
Make sure you’re using the ``heart-attack-project`` code environment (see prerequisites)
%pylab inline
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
import warnings
import dataiku
from dataiku import pandasutils as pdu
import pandas as pd
import mlflow
from import DSSPredictionMLTaskSettings
/Users/clemencebic/dataiku/dss_instances/data_dir_dss11/code-envs/python/heart-attack-project/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mlflow/types/ DeprecationWarning: np.object is a deprecated alias for the builtin object. To silence this warning, use object by itself. Doing this will not modify any behavior and is safe. Deprecated in NumPy 1.20; for more details and guidance: binary = (7, np.dtype("bytes"), "BinaryType", np.object)
1. Get access to the ML experiment information#
In this section, we use the Dataiku Python API to access to the managed folder where the results of our experiments are stored.
# Set parameters
experiment_name = "Binary Heart Disease Classification"
experiments_managed_folder_name = "Binary classif experiments"
# Get
project = dataiku.api_client().get_default_project()
mlflow_extension = project.get_mlflow_extension()
experiments_managed_folder_id = dataiku.Folder(experiments_managed_folder_name).get_id()
experiments_managed_folder = project.get_managed_folder(experiments_managed_folder_id)
experiments_managed_folder_path = dataiku.Folder(experiments_managed_folder_name).get_path()
2. Select the experiment with the best accuracy#
Now, let’s retrieve the run that generated the best model optimizing the accuracy from our Machine Learning experiments.
optimized_metric = "accuracy" # You can switch this parameter to another performance metric
with project.setup_mlflow(managed_folder=experiments_managed_folder) as mlflow:
experiment = mlflow.set_experiment(experiment_name)
best_run = mlflow.search_runs(experiment_ids=[experiment.experiment_id],
order_by=[f"metrics.{optimized_metric} DESC"],
# Get the model directory
best_run_model_dir = experiments_managed_folder_path.split(experiments_managed_folder_id)[0] + experiments_managed_folder_id +[1]+'/model'
3. Create or get a Dataiku Saved Model using the API#
In this section, we use the Dataiku Python API to create (or get if it already exists) the Dataiku Saved Model that will be used to deploy our Python model in the Flow.
client = dataiku.api_client()
project = client.get_default_project()
# Get or create SavedModel
sm_name = "heart-attack-prediction"
sm_id = None
for sm in project.list_saved_models():
if sm_name != sm["name"]:
sm_id = sm["id"]
print("Found SavedModel {} with id {}".format(sm_name, sm_id))
if sm_id:
sm = project.get_saved_model(sm_id)
sm = project.create_mlflow_pyfunc_model(name=sm_name,
sm_id =
print("SavedModel not found, created new one with id {}".format(sm_id))
SavedModel not found, created new one with id iKVngB3I
4. Import the new mlflow model into a Saved Model version#
Finally, let’s import the model from our best run as a new version of the Dataiku Saved Model and make sure it automatically computes performance metrics & charts based on the train set.
# Set version ID (a Saved Model can have multiple versions).
if len(sm.list_versions()) == 0:
version_id = "V1"
max_version_num = max([int(v['id'][1:]) for v in sm.list_versions()])
version_id = f"V{max_version_num+1}"
# Create version in SavedModel
sm_version = sm.import_mlflow_version_from_path(version_id=version_id,
# Evaluate the version using the previously created Dataset
class_labels=[0, 1],
5. Next: use this notebook to create a new step in the pipeline#
5.1 Create a new step in the flow#
Now that our notebook is up and running, we can use it to create the second step of our pipeline in the Flow:
Click on the + Create Recipe button at the top right of the screen.
Select the Python recipe option.
Add two inputs: the
dataset and theBinary classif experiments
folder.Add the
Saved Model as the output: Add > Use existing (option at the bottom).Click on the Create the recipe button.
You can explore all the built-in evaluation metrics & charts of your Python model by clicking on the Saved Model in the Flow.
5.2 Evaluate the model on the test dataset#
Now that the model has been deployed on the Flow, we can evaluate it on our test dataset:
Select the
Saved Model.On the action panel, select the Evaluate recipe.
On the settings tab, select the
as the input dataset.For the output, let’s only create the ‘Output dataset’ (let’s call it
) and the ‘Metrics’ dataset (let’s call itevaluation_metrics
)Click on the Create recipe button.
Run the recipe.
Success: Our model is now deployed on the Flow, it can be used for inference on new datasets and be deployed for production.
Your final Flow should look like that: