Building and using an agent with Dataiku’s LLM Mesh and Langchain#

Large Language Models’ (LLMs) impressive text generation capabilities can be further enhanced by integrating them with additional modules: planning, memory, and tools. These LLM-based agents can perform tasks such as accessing databases, incorporating contextual understanding from external sensors, or interfacing with other software to execute more complex actions. This integration allows for more dynamic and practical applications, making LLMs active participants in decision-making processes.

This tutorial will construct an LLM agent using a practical use case. The use case involves retrieving customer information based on a provided ID and fetching additional data about the customer’s company utilizing an internet search. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a structured understanding of integrating Language Models with external tools to create functional and efficient agents.


  • Dataiku >= 12.6.2

  • A code environment with the following packages:

  • An SQL dataset called pro_customers_sql in the flow, like the one shown in Table 1.

Table 1: pro_customers_sql#






Tim Cook




Satya Nadella




Jeff Bezos




Florian Douetteau




Wile E. Coyote

Business Developer


LLM initialization and library import#

To begin with, you need to set up a development environment by importing some necessary libraries and initializing the chat LLM you want to use to create the agent. The tutorial relies on the LLM Mesh for this and the Langchain package to orchestrate the process. The DKUChatLLM class allows you to call a model previously registered in the LLM Mesh and make it recognizable as a Langchain chat model for further use.

Code 1: LLM Initialization#
import dataiku

# Prepare the LLM
from dataiku.langchain.dku_llm import DKUChatLLM

LLM_ID = "" # Replace with a valid LLM id

llm = DKUChatLLM(llm_id=LLM_ID, temperature=0)


You’ll need to provide DKUChatLLM with an llm_id, a Dataiku internal ID used in the LLM Mesh. The documentation provides instructions on obtaining an LLM ID. The following code snippet will print you an exhaustive list of all the models to which your project has access.

import dataiku
client = dataiku.api_client()
project = client.get_default_project()
llm_list = project.list_llms()
for llm in llm_list:
    print(f"- {llm.description} (id: {})")

Tools’ definition#

In this section, you will define the external tools that your LLM agent will use to perform more advanced tasks. In our case, these tools include:

  • Dataset lookup tool: used to execute SQL queries on the pro_customers_sql dataset to retrieve customer information (name, role, company), given a customer ID. Code 2 shows an implementation of this tool.

  • Internet search tool: used to perform internet searches to fetch more detailed information about the customer’s company. Code 3 shows an implementation of this tool.


Langchain offers three main ways to define custom tools: the @tool decorator, the StructuredTool.from_function() method that takes a Python function as input, or the class method, which extends the built-in BaseTool class and provides metadata as well as a _run method (at least).

The tutorial defines the tool here using the last option because we noticed that the LLM tends to use them more consistently. But don’t hesitate to try all three methods yourself.

Code 2: Definition of the Dataset lookup tool#
from import BaseTool
from dataiku import SQLExecutor2
from langchain.pydantic_v1 import BaseModel, Field
from typing import Type

class CustomerInfo(BaseModel):
    """Parameter for GetCustomerInfo"""
    id: str = Field(description="customer ID")

class GetCustomerInfo(BaseTool):
    """Gathering customer information"""

    name = "GetCustomerInfo"
    description = "Provide a name, job title and company of a customer, given the customer's ID"
    args_schema: Type[BaseModel] = CustomerInfo

    def _run(self, id: str):
        dataset = dataiku.Dataset("pro_customers_sql")
        table_name = dataset.get_location_info().get('info', {}).get('table')
        executor = SQLExecutor2(dataset=dataset)
        eid = id.replace("'", "\\'")
        query_reader = executor.query_to_iter(
            f"""SELECT name, job, company FROM "{table_name}" WHERE id = '{eid}'""")
        for (name, job, company) in query_reader.iter_tuples():
            return f"The customer's name is \"{name}\", holding the position \"{job}\" at the company named {company}"
        return f"No information can be found about the customer {id}"

    def _arun(self, name: str):
        raise NotImplementedError("This tool does not support async")


The SQL query might be written differently depending on your SQL Engine.

Code 3: Definition of the Internet search tool#
from duckduckgo_search import DDGS

class CompanyInfo(BaseModel):
    """Parameter for the GetCompanyInfo"""
    name: str = Field(description="Company's name")

class GetCompanyInfo(BaseTool):
    """Class for gathering in the company information"""

    name = "GetCompanyInfo"
    description = "Provide general information about a company, given the company's name."
    args_schema: Type[BaseModel] = CompanyInfo

    def _run(self, name: str):
        results = DDGS().answers(name + " (company)")
        result = "Information found about " + name + ": " + results[0]["text"] + "\n" \
            if len(results) > 0 and "text" in results[0] \
            else None
        if not result:
            results = DDGS().answers(name)
            result = "Information found about " + name + ": " + results[0]["text"] + "\n" \
                if len(results) > 0 and "text" in results[0] \
                else "No information can be found about the company " + name
        return result

    def _arun(self, name: str):
        raise NotImplementedError("This tool does not support async")

LLM agent creation#

With the tools defined, the next step is to create an agent that can effectively utilize these tools. This tutorial uses the ReAct logic, which combines the LLM’s ability for reasoning (e.g., chain-of-thought prompting, etc.) and acting (e.g., interfacing with external software, etc.) through a purposely crafted prompt.

Alternatively, it is possible to use the tool calling logic, when the LLM supports tool calls. More information can be found in the tool calls section of the developer guide.


Langchain offers a hub for community members to share pre-built prompt templates and other resources. The prompt below has been taken from there, and it is also possible to fetch it directly with the following code:

# Only need if you want to use a default prompt (may require langchainhub dependency)
from langchain import hub
prompt = hub.pull("hwchase17/react")
Code 4: LLM agent creation#
# Initializes the agent
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor, create_react_agent
from import StructuredTool

# Link the tools
tools = [GetCustomerInfo(), GetCompanyInfo()]
tool_names = [ for tool in tools]

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(
"""Answer the following questions as best you can. You have only access to the following tools:


Use the following format:

Question: the input question you must answer
Thought: you should always think about what to do
Action: the action to take, should be one of [{tool_names}]
Action Input: the input to the action
Observation: the result of the action
... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can repeat N times)
Thought: I now know the final answer
Final Answer: the final answer to the original input question


Question: {input}

agent = create_react_agent(llm, tools, prompt)
agent_executor = AgentExecutor(agent=agent, tools=tools,
   verbose=True, return_intermediate_steps=True, handle_parsing_errors=True)


The AgentExecutor class has a callback parameter that can be used with packages like mlflow for debugging and tracing purposes. For inspiration, refer to our LLM StarterKit project on the Dataiku Gallery.

LLM agent invocation#

Finally, you can run the agent_executor. Depending on the level of detail you want to see about the intermediate steps and the “decisions” taken by the agents, Langchain offers several methods and a debug mode. We are showing them below.

Code 5: Simple invocation#
from langchain.globals import set_debug

set_debug(False) ## Set to True to get debug traces
customer_id = "fdouetteau"

## This will directly return the output from the defined input
        "input": f"""Give all the professional information you can about the customer with ID: {customer_id}. Also include information about the company if you can.""",
        "tools": tools,
        "tool_names": tool_names
Code 6: Iteration on intermediate steps#
## You can also iterate on intermediate steps, to print them or run any tests, with the .iter() method
for step in agent_executor.iter({
        "input": f"""Give all the professional information you can about the customer with ID: {customer_id}.
        Also include information about the company if you can.""",
        "tools": tools,
        "tool_names": tool_names
    print("\n", "*"*20, f"Step: {i}")
    if output := step.get("intermediate_step"):
        action, value = output[0]
        i += 1
    elif output := step.get('output'):

Wrapping up#

This tutorial provided a walk-through for building an LLM-based agent capable of interacting with external tools to fetch and process information. Modularizing the approach - from initialization and tool definition to the creation and invocation of the agent - ensures clarity, reusability, and efficiency, suitable for tackling similar tasks.