How to create a form for data input?#


  • Dataiku DSS >= 11.0

  • Some familiarity with HTML, CSS, and Dash for the front-end

  • Some familiarity with Python for the backend

  • An existing Dataiku DSS Project in which you have the “Project Admin” permissions

  • A Python code environment with dash, dash-bootstrap-components and beautifulsoup4 packages installed (see the documentation for more details)

This tutorial was written with Python 3.9 and uses the following package versions:

  • dash==2.7.0

  • dash-bootstrap-components==1.2.1

  • beautifulsoup4==4.12.2


In this tutorial, we will use Dash to develop a web application that enables users to view, edit, and save data. The data will be fetched from an external API, and a subset will be displayed. By following this tutorial, you will gain an understanding of the fundamental concepts of Dash, which will enable you to create complex applications. This tutorial builds upon the same concepts and objectives as another tutorial that covers standard web applications.

The web application allows users to enter a search term, which will be used to find a list of board games that match the criteria. The list will be displayed in a dropdown menu, allowing users to select a board game and view/edit its characteristics. Once the data has been validated, it can be saved into an existing dataset. To create an empty Dash webapp, please refer to this mini-tutorial.

Simple form creation#

Form template#

Let’s create a basic form to search for board games in a Dash web application. This form will require an input field for submitting text, a search button, and a dropdown menu for displaying search results (and later for selecting a board game for editing). The necessary code for implementing the form is highlighted in Code 1, and Fig. 1 provides a visual representation of this form.

Code 1: Design of the first part of the form.#
import dash
from dash import html
from dash import dcc
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
from dash.dependencies import Input
from dash.dependencies import Output
from dash.dependencies import State
from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate

import requests
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

# use the style of examples on the Plotly documentation
app.config.external_stylesheets = [dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP]

search_text_layout = html.Div([
        dbc.Label("Search for", html_for="search_input", width=2),
        dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id="search_input", placeholder="Please first enter a text to search for"), width=8),
        dbc.Col(dbc.Button("Search", id="search_button", color="primary", n_clicks=0), width=2, className="d-grid col-2 gap-2"),
    ], className="mb-3",),
        dbc.Label("Select a game", html_for="selected_game_dropdown", width=2),
        dbc.Col(dcc.Dropdown(id="selected_game_dropdown", options=[], placeholder="Please select a game in the list..."), width=10)
    ], className="mb-3"),

# build your Dash app
app.layout = html.Div([
], className="container-fluid mt-3")
Figure 1: Basic form to search for board games

Figure 1: Basic form to search for board games#

Implement search functionality#

When the user clicks on the “Search” button, we must look for the entered text in the list of board games and subsequently fill the dropdown with the returned list. Code 2 depicts the corresponding callback, which takes the following parameters:

  • output: the dropdown options

  • input: the button click event

  • state: the input value

Code 2: Callback for the search functionality#
    Output("selected_game_dropdown", "options"),
    Input("search_button", "n_clicks"),
    State("search_input", "value"),
    prevent_initial_call = True
def on_search_button_click(n, text):
    if n and text:
            url= f"{text}&type=boardgame"
            resp = requests.get(url)
            root = ET.fromstring(resp.text)
            return [{'label' : boardgame.find("name").text, 'value': boardgame.get("objectid")} for boardgame in root.findall('boardgame')]
        except Exception as e:
            # We should log this error
            return []
        raise PreventUpdate

Highlighted lines in Code 2 send a request to an external API responsible for the search in a board games list.

Editing the data#

Form template for a board game#

When a user select a game in the dropdown list we need to display the corresponding data. Among the data provided, we choose to display only a subset. Code 3 presents a form to display and edit those data. We also must add this layout to the app_layout.

Code 3: A form to display and edit data#
game_data_layout = html.Div([
    dbc.Row([html.H2("Current Game")], className="mb-3"),
        dbc.Label("Game title", html_for="game_title_input", width=2),
        dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id="game_title_input", placeholder="Game title"), width=10)
    ], className="mb-3"),
        dbc.Label("Year", html_for="year_input", width=2),
        dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id="year_input", placeholder="Year published"), width=10)
    ], className="mb-3"),
        dbc.Label("Min player", html_for="year_input", width=2),
        dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id="min_player_input", placeholder="Min player"), width=4),
        dbc.Label("Max player", html_for="year_input", width=2),
        dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id="max_player_input", placeholder="Max player"), width=4)
    ], className="mb-3"),
        dbc.Label("Complexity", html_for="complexity_input", width=2),
        dbc.Col(dcc.Slider(id="complexity_input", min=0, max=5, value=0, step=0.001,
                           marks={str(mark): str(mark) for mark in range(6)},
                           tooltip={"placement": "bottom", "always_visible": True}), width=10)
    ], className="mb-3"),
        dbc.Label("Ratings", html_for="ratings_input", width=2),
        dbc.Col(dcc.Slider(id="ratings_input", min=0, max=10, value=0, step=0.001,
                           marks={str(mark): str(mark) for mark in range(11)},
                           tooltip={"placement": "bottom", "always_visible": True}), width=10)
    ], className="mb-3"),
    dbc.Row([dbc.Col(dbc.Textarea(id="text_input", style={"height": "200px"}), width=12)], className="mb-3"),
    dbc.Row([dbc.Col(dbc.Button("Save data", id="save_button", color="primary", outline=True, disabled=True),
                     width=12, className=" d-grid col-12 gap-12")], className="mb-3"),

Parsing XML to fill the form#

As this form contains many fields, we must create a callback that uses all these fields as an output and the dropdown value as an input. The external API in charge of providing the data returns XML, so we must deal with XML parsing to extract the data. The highlighted lines in Code 4 extract data from XML.

Code 4: Extracting data and displaying them.#
        Output("game_title_input", "value"),
        Output("year_input", "value"),
        Output("min_player_input", "value"),
        Output("max_player_input", "value"),
        Output("complexity_input", "value"),
        Output("ratings_input", "value"),
        Output("text_input", "value"),
        Output("save_button", "disabled"),
        Output("save_button", "outline")
    Input("selected_game_dropdown", "value"),
    State("selected_game_dropdown", "options"),
    prevent_initial_call = True
def on_selected_game_dropdown_change(id, options):
    if id and options:
            url= f"{id}?stats=1"
            resp = requests.get(url)
            root = ET.fromstring(resp.text)
            boardgame = root.find("boardgame")
            yearpublished = boardgame.find("yearpublished").text
            minplayers = boardgame.find("minplayers").text
            maxplayers = boardgame.find("maxplayers").text
            ratings = boardgame.find("statistics").find("ratings")
            rating = ratings.find("average").text
            xml_str = ET.tostring(ratings, encoding='unicode')
            complexity = ratings.find("averageweight").text
            soup = BeautifulSoup(boardgame.find("description").text, features="html.parser")
            description = soup.get_text('\n')
            return [
                [x['label'] for x in options if x['value'] == id][0],
                yearpublished, minplayers, maxplayers, complexity, rating, description,
                False, False
        except Exception as e:
             # We should log this error
            raise PreventUpdate
        raise PreventUpdate


Remember to import from bs4 import BeautifulSoup at the beginning of the code. We use BeautifulSoup, as the external API returns an HTML description for the board game description. We want to provide a nicer renderer than displaying code with HTML tags.

This callback also activates the “Save data” button, which is disabled by default.

Saving data#

After editing the data, the user can click the “Save data” button to save the data into an existing dataset using the dataiku API. Before coding this function, we need to import the dataiku package and pandas. When the user clicks the button to save data, there is no output except adding to the database. We should inform the user that the addition works (or fails), but we won’t do it in the first approach. So the callback has no Output, which is not feasible in Dash. We will use a little trick here, setting an Output, but we won’t update this Output. Code 5 shows how to write such a callback.

Code 5: Saving data into an existing dataset.#
    Output("save_button", "n_clicks"),
    Input("save_button", "n_clicks"),
        State("game_title_input", "value"),
        State("year_input", "value"),
        State("min_player_input", "value"),
        State("max_player_input", "value"),
        State("complexity_input", "value"),
        State("text_input", "value"),
def on_save_button_click(n, game_title, year_published, min_player, max_player, complexity, description):
        dataset_name = "BGG"
        dataset = dataiku.Dataset(dataset_name)
        df = dataset.get_dataframe()
        game = {
            'name': game_title,
            'year_published': year_published,
            'min_player': min_player,
            'max_player': max_player,
            'complexity': complexity,
            'description': description
        df = df.append(game, ignore_index=True)
        raise PreventUpdate

Complete code and conclusion#

Code 6 show the complete code for searching and editing a board game. Our functional form allows us to request an external API to fetch, edit and save data into an existing dataset.

Code 6: complete code of the tutorial#
# Import necessary libraries
import dash
from dash import html
from dash import dcc
import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
from dash.dependencies import Input
from dash.dependencies import Output
from dash.dependencies import State
from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate

import logging
import requests
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import dataiku

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# use the style of examples on the Plotly documentation
app.config.external_stylesheets = [dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP]

home_layout = html.Div([
        dbc.Label("Search for", html_for="search_input", width=2),
        dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id="search_input", placeholder="Please first enter a text to search for"), width=8),
        dbc.Col(dbc.Button("Search", id="search_button", color="primary", n_clicks=0), width=2,
                className="d-grid col-2 gap-2"),
    ], className="mb-3", ),
        dbc.Label("Select a game", html_for="selected_game_dropdown", width=2),
            dcc.Dropdown(id="selected_game_dropdown", options=[], placeholder="Please select a game in the list..."),
    ], className="mb-3"),
    dbc.Row([html.H2("Current Game")], className="mb-3"),
        dbc.Label("Game title", html_for="game_title_input", width=1),
        dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id="game_title_input", placeholder="Game title"), width=11)
    ], className="mb-3"),
        dbc.Label("Year", html_for="year_input", width=1),
        dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id="year_input", placeholder="Year published"), width=11)
    ], className="mb-3"),
        dbc.Label("Min player", html_for="year_input", width=1),
        dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id="min_player_input", placeholder="Min player"), width=5),
        dbc.Label("Max player", html_for="year_input", width=1),
        dbc.Col(dbc.Input(id="max_player_input", placeholder="Max player"), width=5)
    ], className="mb-3"),
        dbc.Label("Complexity", html_for="complexity_input", width=1),
        dbc.Col(dcc.Slider(id="complexity_input", min=0, max=5, value=0, step=0.001,
                           marks={str(mark): str(mark) for mark in range(6)},
                           tooltip={"placement": "bottom", "always_visible": True}), width=11)
    ], className="mb-3"),
        dbc.Label("Ratings", html_for="ratings_input", width=1),
        dbc.Col(dcc.Slider(id="ratings_input", min=0, max=10, value=0, step=0.001,
                           marks={str(mark): str(mark) for mark in range(11)},
                           tooltip={"placement": "bottom", "always_visible": True}), width=11)
    ], className="mb-3"),

    dbc.Row([dbc.Textarea(id="text_input", style={"width": "100%", "height": "200px"})], className="mb-3",
            style={"height": "100%"}),
    dbc.Row([dbc.Button("Save the data", id="save_button", color="primary", outline=True, disabled=True)],
        [html.P("This is the content of the toast", className="mb-0")],
        header="This is the header",
], className="container-fluid mt-3")

# build your Dash app
app.layout = home_layout

        Output("selected_game_dropdown", "options"),
    Input("search_button", "n_clicks"),
    State("search_input", "value"),
def on_search_button_click(n, text):
    Search functionality
        n: click event
        text: text to search for

        an updated dropdown list of board games that match the criteria.
    if n and text:
            url = f"{text}&type=boardgame"
            resp = requests.get(url)
            root = ET.fromstring(resp.text)
            return [[{'label': boardgame.find("name").text, 'value': boardgame.get("objectid")} for boardgame in
        except Exception as e:
            return []
        raise PreventUpdate

        Output("game_title_input", "value"),
        Output("year_input", "value"),
        Output("min_player_input", "value"),
        Output("max_player_input", "value"),
        Output("complexity_input", "value"),
        Output("ratings_input", "value"),
        Output("text_input", "value"),
        Output("save_button", "disabled"),
        Output("save_button", "outline")
    Input("selected_game_dropdown", "value"),
    State("selected_game_dropdown", "options"),
def on_selected_game_dropdown_change(id, options):
    Filling the form for board games edition
        id: id of the board game
        options: name of the board game.

        Fill the form responsible for the board game edition
    if id and options:
            url = f"{id}?stats=1"
            resp = requests.get(url)
            root = ET.fromstring(resp.text)
            boardgame = root.find("boardgame")
            yearpublished = boardgame.find("yearpublished").text
            minplayers = boardgame.find("minplayers").text
            maxplayers = boardgame.find("maxplayers").text
            ratings = boardgame.find("statistics").find("ratings")
            rating = ratings.find("average").text
            xml_str = ET.tostring(ratings, encoding='unicode')
            complexity = ratings.find("averageweight").text
            soup = BeautifulSoup(boardgame.find("description").text, features="html.parser")
            description = soup.get_text('\n')
            return [
                [x['label'] for x in options if x['value'] == id][0],
                yearpublished, minplayers, maxplayers, complexity, rating, description,
                False, False
        except Exception as e:
  "Error : {str(e)}")
            raise PreventUpdate
        raise PreventUpdate

    Output("save_button", "n_clicks"),
    Input("save_button", "n_clicks"),
        State("game_title_input", "value"),
        State("year_input", "value"),
        State("min_player_input", "value"),
        State("max_player_input", "value"),
        State("complexity_input", "value"),
        State("text_input", "value"),
def on_save_button_click(n, game_title, year_published, min_player, max_player, complexity, description):
    Save the board game into the associated dataset
        n: board game id
        game_title: title
        year_published: year published
        min_player: minimum player
        max_player: maximum player
        complexity: complexity of the board game
        description: board game description.
    dataset_name = "BGG"
    client = dataiku.api_client()
    project = client.get_default_project()
    ds = project.get_dataset(dataset_name)
    if ds.exists():
        dataset = dataiku.Dataset(dataset_name)
        df = dataset.get_dataframe()
        game = {
            'name': game_title,
            'year_published': year_published,
            'min_player': min_player,
            'max_player': max_player,
            'complexity': complexity,
            'description': description
        df = df.append(game, ignore_index=True)
    raise PreventUpdate

We could have been deeper by adding feedback to the user when he acts, by the addition of a dbc.Toast component. Usually, when an error is thrown/detected, we should log it using the logger capability. We could also have cleared the data when the user searches for a new text, as shown in Code 7.

Code 7: Clearing the data.#
        Output("game_title_input", "value", allow_duplicate=True),
        Output("year_input", "value", allow_duplicate=True),
        Output("min_player_input", "value", allow_duplicate=True),
        Output("max_player_input", "value", allow_duplicate=True),
        Output("complexity_input", "value", allow_duplicate=True),
        Output("ratings_input", "value", allow_duplicate=True),
        Output("text_input", "value", allow_duplicate=True),
        Output("save_button", "disabled", allow_duplicate=True),
        Output("save_button", "outline", allow_duplicate=True)
    Input("selected_game_dropdown", "options"),
    prevent_initial_call = True
def on_dropdown_change(options):
    return ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", True, True]