Distributed ML Training using Ray#

This notebook provides an example of distributed ML training on Ray. Specifically, it illustrates how to:

  1. Deploy a Ray Cluster on a Dataiku-managed Elastic AI cluster

  2. Train a binary classification xgboost model in a distributed fashion on the deployed Ray Cluster.



The code environment only needs to be built locally, i.e., containerized execution support is not required.

Deploying a Dataiku-managed Elastic AI cluster#

Before deploying the Ray Cluster, a Dataiku administrator must deploy an Dataiku-managed Elastic AI cluster.

A few things to keep in mind about the Elastic AI Cluster:

  • Dataiku recommends creating a dedicated nodegroup to host the Ray Cluster; the nodegroup can be static or auto-scale.

  • Ray recommends sizing each Ray Cluster pod to take up an entire Kubernetes node.

  • Dataiku recommends that each cluster node have at least 64 GB RAM for typical ML workloads.

Deploying a Ray Cluster#

The procedure to deploy a Ray Cluster onto a Dataiku-managed Elastic AI cluster is as follows.


Note that this procedure requires Dataiku Administrator privileges.

  1. Install this plugin.

  2. Navigate to the “Macros” section of a Dataiku project, search for the “Ray” macros, and select the “Start Ray Cluster” macro.

Figure 1.1 -- Macros for Ray

Figure 1.1 – Macros for Ray#

  1. Fill in the macro fields, keeping in mind the following information:

  • KubeRay version: select the latest version from their GitHub release page.

  • Ray image tag: should be a valid tag from Ray’s DockerHub images; the Python version of the image tag should match the Python version of the Dataiku code environment created in the pre-requisites section.

  • Ray version: must match the version on the Ray image tag.

  • The CPU / memory request should be at least 1 CPU / 1GB RAM less than the node’s schedulable amount.

  • The number of Ray Cluster agents (i.e., head + worker replicas) should be equal to (or smaller) than the max size of the default Kubernetes nodegroup.

Run the macro.

Figure 1.2 -- Start macro

Figure 1.2 – Start macro#

  1. Once the “Start Ray Cluster” is macro complete, run the “Inspect Ray Cluster” macro; this retrieves the Ray Cluster deployment status and provides the Ray Cluster endpoint once the cluster is ready.

Figure 1.3 -- Inspect Ray Cluster

Figure 1.3 – Inspect Ray Cluster#

  1. Optionally, set up a port forwarding connection to https://github.com/dataiku/dss-plugin-rayclustere Ray Dashboard using the “Ray Dashboard Port-Forward” macro.

Figure 1.4 -- Ray Dashboard Port-Forward

Figure 1.4 – Ray Dashboard Port-Forward#

The Ray Dashboard will then be accessible at http://\<Dataiku instance domain>:8265 while the macro is running.

For more information on this procedure and how to further customize the deployment of a Ray Cluster on Kubernetes (e.g., creating an auto-scaling Ray Cluster), please refer to the relevant Ray documentation.

Train an XGBoost Model#

Now that you have a running Ray Cluster, you can train ML models on it in a distributed fashion. All they need to be provided with is the Ray Cluster endpoint, which was determined in step 6 of the Deploying a Ray Cluster section.

The following procedure illustrates how to train a binary classification xgboost model on a Ray Cluster using a data-parallel paradigm. The example draws inspiration from this code sample published in Ray’s documentation.

First, you will need to create a Project Library called dku_ray (under the python folder) with two files, utils.py and xgboost_train.py, with the following content:

import dataiku
from ray.job_submission import JobStatus

import time
import os

def s3_path_from_managed_folder(folder_id):
    Retrieves full S3 path (i.e. bucket name + path in bucjet) for managed folder.
    Assumues managed folder is stored on S3 connection.
    TODO: actually check this, and don't just fail.
    mf = dataiku.Folder(folder_id)
    mf_path = mf.get_info()["accessInfo"]["bucket"] + mf.get_info()["accessInfo"]["root"]
    return mf_path

def s3_credentials_from_managed_folder(folder_id):
    Retireves S3 credentials (access key, secret key, session token) from managed folder.
    Assumues managed folder is stored on S3 connection, with AssumeRole as auth method.
    TODO: actually check this, and don't just fail.
    client = dataiku.api_client()
    project = client.get_default_project()
    mf = project.get_managed_folder(folder_id) # connection only available through client
    mf_connection_name = mf.get_settings().settings["params"]["connection"]

    mf_connection = client.get_connection(mf_connection_name)
    mf_connection_info = mf_connection.get_info()
    access_key = mf_connection_info["resolvedAWSCredential"]["accessKey"]
    secret_key = mf_connection_info["resolvedAWSCredential"]["secretKey"]
    session_token = mf_connection_info["resolvedAWSCredential"]["sessionToken"]
    return access_key, secret_key, session_token

def s3_path_from_dataset(dataset_name):
    Retrieves full S3 path (i.e. s3:// + bucket name + path in bucjet) for dataset.
    Assumues dataset is stored on S3 connection.
    TODO: actually check this, and don't just fail.
    ds = dataiku.Dataset(dataset_name) # resolved path and connection name via internal API
    ds_path = ds.get_location_info()["info"]["path"]
    return ds_path

def s3_credentials_from_dataset(dataset_name):
    Retireves S3 credentials (access key, secret key, session token) from S3 dataset.
    Assumues dataset is stored on S3 connection, with AssumeRole as auth method.
    TODO: actually check this, and don't just fail.
    client = dataiku.api_client()
    ds = dataiku.Dataset(dataset_name) # resolved path and connection name via internal API
    ds_connection_name = ds.get_config()["params"]["connection"]

    ds_connection = client.get_connection(ds_connection_name)
    ds_connection_info = ds_connection.get_info()
    access_key = ds_connection_info["resolvedAWSCredential"]["accessKey"]
    secret_key = ds_connection_info["resolvedAWSCredential"]["secretKey"]
    session_token = ds_connection_info["resolvedAWSCredential"]["sessionToken"]
    return access_key, secret_key, session_token

def copy_project_lib_to_tmp(file_dir, file_name, timestamp):
    Makes a copy of a project library file to a temporary location.
    Timestamp ensures file path uniqueness.
    client = dataiku.api_client()
    project = client.get_default_project()
    project_library = project.get_library()

    file_path = file_dir + file_name
    file = project_library.get_file(file_path).read()

    # Stage train script in /tmp
    tmp_file_dir = f"/tmp/ray-{timestamp}/"
    tmp_file_path = tmp_file_dir + file_name

    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(tmp_file_dir), exist_ok=True)
    with open(tmp_file_path, "w") as f:
    return tmp_file_dir
def extract_packages_list_from_pyenv(env_name):
    Extracts python package list (requested + mandatory) from an environment.
    Returns a list of python packages.
    client = dataiku.api_client()
    pyenv = client.get_code_env(env_lang="PYTHON", env_name=env_name)
    pyenv_settings = pyenv.get_settings()
    packages = pyenv_settings.settings["specPackageList"] + pyenv_settings.settings["mandatoryPackageList"]
    packages_list = packages.split("\n")
    return packages_list
def wait_until_rayjob_completes(ray_client, job_id, timeout_seconds=3600):
    Polls Ray Job for `timeout_seconds` or until a specofoc status is reached:
    - JobStatus.SUCCEEDED: return
    - JobStatus.STOPPED or JobStatus.FAILED: raise exception
    start = time.time()
    while time.time() - start <= timeout_seconds:
        status = ray_client.get_job_status(job_id)
        print(f"Ray Job `{job_id}` status: {status}")
        if (status == JobStatus.SUCCEEDED) or (status == JobStatus.STOPPED) or (status == JobStatus.FAILED):
            print("Ray training logs: \n", ray_client.get_job_logs(job_id))
    if (status == JobStatus.SUCCEEDED):
        print("Ray Job {job_id} completed successfully.")
        raise Exception("Ray Job {job_id} failed, see logs above.")
# Inspired by from:
#    https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/release/train_tests/xgboost_lightgbm/train_batch_inference_benchmark.py

import json
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import time
from typing import Dict

import xgboost as xgb
from pyarrow import fs

import ray
from ray import data
from ray.train.xgboost.v2 import XGBoostTrainer # https://github.com/ray-project/ray/blob/master/python/ray/train/xgboost/v2.py#L13
from ray.train.xgboost import RayTrainReportCallback as XGBoostReportCallback
from ray.train import RunConfig, ScalingConfig

def xgboost_train_loop_function(config: Dict):
    # 1. Get the dataset shard for the worker and convert to a `xgboost.DMatrix`
    train_ds_iter = ray.train.get_dataset_shard("train")
    train_df = train_ds_iter.materialize().to_pandas()

    label_column, params = config["label_column"], config["params"]
    train_X, train_y = train_df.drop(label_column, axis=1), train_df[label_column]

    dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(train_X, label=train_y)

    # 2. Do distributed data-parallel training.
    # Ray Train sets up the necessary coordinator processes and
    # environment variables for your workers to communicate with each other.
    report_callback = config["report_callback_cls"]

def train_xgboost(data_path: str,
                  data_label: str,
                  storage_path: str,
                  num_workers: int,
                  cpus_per_worker: int,
                  run_name: str) -> ray.train.Result:
    ds = data.read_parquet(data_path, filesystem=data_filesystem)

    train_loop_config= {
        "params": {
            "objective": "binary:logistic",
            "eval_metric": ["logloss", "error"]
        "label_column": data_label,
        "report_callback_cls": XGBoostReportCallback
    trainer = XGBoostTrainer(
        scaling_config=ScalingConfig( # https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/train/api/doc/ray.train.ScalingConfig.html
            resources_per_worker={"CPU": cpus_per_worker},
        datasets={"train": ds},
        run_config=RunConfig( # https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/train/api/doc/ray.train.RunConfig.html
    result = trainer.fit()
    return result

def main(args):
    # Build pyarrow filesystems with s3 credentials
    #  https://arrow.apache.org/docs/python/generated/pyarrow.fs.S3FileSystem.html#pyarrow.fs.S3FileSystem
    s3_ds = fs.S3FileSystem(
    s3_mf = fs.S3FileSystem(
    print(f"Running xgboost training benchmark...")
    training_start = time.perf_counter()
    result = train_xgboost(
    training_time = time.perf_counter() - training_start

    print("Training result:\n", result)
    print("Training time:", training_time)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import argparse

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    # Train dataset arguments
    parser.add_argument("--data-s3-path", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--data-s3-access-key", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--data-s3-secret-key", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--data-s3-session-token", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--data-label-column", type=str)
    # storage folder arguments
    parser.add_argument("--storage-s3-path", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--storage-s3-access-key", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--storage-s3-secret-key", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--storage-s3-session-token", type=str)
    # compute arguments
    parser.add_argument("--num-workers", type=int, default=2)
    parser.add_argument("--cpus-per-worker", type=int, default=1)
    parser.add_argument("--run-name", type=str, default="xgboost-train")
    args = parser.parse_args()


Second, you must create a dataset in the Flow to be used as the model’s training dataset. This example (and the code of the dku_ray project library) assumes that this dataset is:

  • on S3

  • in the parquet format

  • on a Dataiku S3 connection that uses STS with AssumeRole as its authentication method and that the user running the code has “details readable by” access on the connection


Modifying the code with different connection and/or authentication types should be straightforward.

Third, you must create a managed folder in the Flow, where Ray will store the training process outputs. Similar to the training dataset, this example assumes the managed folder is on an S3 connection with the same properties listed above.

Finally, the following code can be used to train a model on the input dataset. In this case, the “avocado_transactions_train” is a slightly processed version of this Kaggle dataset.

Importing the required packages#

import dataiku
from dku_ray.utils import (

import time
import os

from ray.job_submission import JobSubmissionClient

Setting the default parameters#

# Dataiku client
client = dataiku.api_client()
project = client.get_default_project()

train_dataset_name = "avocado_transactions_train"
target_column_name = "type" # includes the 
managed_folder_id = "CcLoevDh"

ray_cluster_endpoint = ""

train_script_filename = "xgboost_train.py" # name of file in Project Library
train_script_dir = "/python/dku_ray/" # in project libs

ray_env_name = "py310_ray" # dataiku code environment name
num_ray_workers = 3 # num workers and cpus per worker should be sized approriately, 
                    # based on the size of the Ray Cluster deployed 
cpus_per_ray_worker = 10

timestamp = int(time.time()*100000) # unix timestamp in seconds

Setting the training script#

# Train script
## Copy train script to temporary location (as impersonated users can't traverse project libs)
tmp_train_script_dir = copy_project_lib_to_tmp(train_script_dir, train_script_filename, timestamp)

# Inputs & outputs
## (a) Retrieve S3 input dataset path and credentials
##     Note: connection should be S3 and use AssumeRole; dataset file format should be parquet
ds_path = s3_path_from_dataset(train_dataset_name)
ds_access_key, ds_secret_key, ds_session_token = s3_credentials_from_dataset(train_dataset_name)

## (b) Retrieve output S3 managed folder path and credentials
##     Note: connection should be S3 and use AssumeRole
storage_path = s3_path_from_managed_folder(managed_folder_id)
storage_access_key, storage_secret_key, storage_session_token = s3_credentials_from_managed_folder(managed_folder_id)

Submitting the job to Ray#

# Submit to remote cluster

# Useful links:
#   Ray Jobs SDK: https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/cluster/running-applications/job-submission/sdk.html
#   Runtime env spec: https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/ray-core/api/runtime-env.html
ray_client = JobSubmissionClient(ray_cluster_endpoint)

entrypoint = f"python {train_script_filename} --run-name=\"xgboost-train-{timestamp}\" " + \
    f"--data-s3-path=\"{ds_path}\" --data-label-column=\"{target_column_name}\" " + \
    f"--data-s3-access-key={ds_access_key} --data-s3-secret-key={ds_secret_key} --data-s3-session-token={ds_session_token} " + \
    f"--storage-s3-path=\"{storage_path}\" " + \
    f"--storage-s3-access-key={storage_access_key} --storage-s3-secret-key={storage_secret_key} --storage-s3-session-token={storage_session_token} " + \
    f"--num-workers={num_ray_workers} --cpus-per-worker={cpus_per_ray_worker}"

# Extract python package list from env
python_packages_list = extract_packages_list_from_pyenv(ray_env_name)
job_id = ray_client.submit_job(
        "working_dir": tmp_train_script_dir,
        "pip": python_packages_list

# Wait until job fails or succeeds
wait_until_rayjob_completes(ray_client, job_id)

Once you’ve submitted the job, you can see it running in the Ray dashboard shown below:

Figure 2 -- Ray dashboard showing the running job

Figure 2 – Ray dashboard showing the running job#

Once the job succeeds, you should be able to find the xgboost object in the managed folder designated as the “output.”


You now know how to set up a Ray cluster to achieve distributed learning using the xgboost algorithm. Adapting this tutorial to your preferred algorithm and/or cluster should be easy.

Here is the complete code for this tutorial:

import dataiku
from dku_ray.utils import (

import time
import os

from ray.job_submission import JobSubmissionClient

# Dataiku client
client = dataiku.api_client()
project = client.get_default_project()

train_dataset_name = "avocado_transactions_train"
target_column_name = "type" # includes the 
managed_folder_id = "CcLoevDh"

ray_cluster_endpoint = ""

train_script_filename = "xgboost_train.py" # name of file in Project Library
train_script_dir = "/python/dku_ray/" # in project libs

ray_env_name = "py310_ray" # dataiku code environment name
num_ray_workers = 3 # num workers and cpus per worker should be sized approriately, 
                    # based on the size of the Ray Cluster deployed 
cpus_per_ray_worker = 10

timestamp = int(time.time()*100000) # unix timestamp in seconds

# Train script
## Copy train script to temporary location (as impersonated users can't traverse project libs)
tmp_train_script_dir = copy_project_lib_to_tmp(train_script_dir, train_script_filename, timestamp)

# Inputs & outputs
## (a) Retrieve S3 input dataset path and credentials
##     Note: connection should be S3 and use AssumeRole; dataset file format should be parquet
ds_path = s3_path_from_dataset(train_dataset_name)
ds_access_key, ds_secret_key, ds_session_token = s3_credentials_from_dataset(train_dataset_name)

## (b) Retrieve output S3 managed folder path and credentials
##     Note: connection should be S3 and use AssumeRole
storage_path = s3_path_from_managed_folder(managed_folder_id)
storage_access_key, storage_secret_key, storage_session_token = s3_credentials_from_managed_folder(managed_folder_id)

# Submit to remote cluster

# Useful links:
#   Ray Jobs SDK: https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/cluster/running-applications/job-submission/sdk.html
#   Runtime env spec: https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/ray-core/api/runtime-env.html
ray_client = JobSubmissionClient(ray_cluster_endpoint)

entrypoint = f"python {train_script_filename} --run-name=\"xgboost-train-{timestamp}\" " + \
    f"--data-s3-path=\"{ds_path}\" --data-label-column=\"{target_column_name}\" " + \
    f"--data-s3-access-key={ds_access_key} --data-s3-secret-key={ds_secret_key} --data-s3-session-token={ds_session_token} " + \
    f"--storage-s3-path=\"{storage_path}\" " + \
    f"--storage-s3-access-key={storage_access_key} --storage-s3-secret-key={storage_secret_key} --storage-s3-session-token={storage_session_token} " + \
    f"--num-workers={num_ray_workers} --cpus-per-worker={cpus_per_ray_worker}"

# Extract python package list from env
python_packages_list = extract_packages_list_from_pyenv(ray_env_name)
job_id = ray_client.submit_job(
        "working_dir": tmp_train_script_dir,
        "pip": python_packages_list

# Wait until job fails or succeeds
wait_until_rayjob_completes(ray_client, job_id)