For usage information and examples, see Bigframes
- class dataiku.bigframes.DkuBigframes(session_ordering_mode='partial')#
Handle to create Bigframes sessions from DSS datasets or connections
- create_session(connection_name, project_key=None)#
Creates a new session configured to read on the supplied DSS connection.
- get_dataframe(dataset, session=None)#
Return a DataFrame configured to read the table that is underlying the specified dataset.
- get_session(connection_name, project_key=None)#
Return session configured to read on the supplied DSS connection.
- write_dataframe(dataset, df, infer_schema=False, force_direct_write=False, dropAndCreate=False)#
Writes this dataset (or its target partition, if applicable) from a single dataframe.
This variant only edit the schema if infer_schema is True, otherwise you must take care to only write dataframes that have a compatible schema. Also see “write_with_schema”.
- Parameters:
df – input dataframe.
dataset – Output dataset to write.
infer_schema – infer the schema from the dataframe.
force_direct_write – Force writing the dataframe using the direct API into the dataset even if they don’t come from the same DSS connection.
dropAndCreate – if infer_schema and this parameter are both set to True, clear and recreate the dataset structure.
- write_with_schema(dataset, df, force_direct_write=False, dropAndCreate=False)#
Writes this dataset (or its target partition, if applicable) from a single dataframe.
This variant replaces the schema of the output dataset with the schema of the dataframe.
- Parameters:
df – input dataframe.
dataset – Output dataset to write.
force_direct_write – Force writing the dataframe using the direct API into the dataset even if they don’t come from the same DSS connection.
dropAndCreate – drop and recreate the dataset.