Governance checks with multi envs#


Dataiku Deployer has pre-deployment hooks which can be used to add additional checks when deploying. In this example, we will perform a check prior to deployment that a specific sign-off is properly approved before deployment.

This code example is designed to work with the Project Deployer. It must be written in an infrastructure settings, as a “pre-deployment” hook.

Code example#

def execute(requesting_user, deployment_id, deployment_report, deployer_client, automation_client, deploying_user, deployed_project_key, **kwargs):

    host = '' # the govern instance host
    apikey = '' # a govern instance admin api key
    pre_prod_signoff_step_id = 'review' # to be changed to the step_id of the step which holds the sign-off to check for approval state

    import dataikuapi
    from dataikuapi.govern.artifact_search import GovernArtifactSearchQuery, GovernArtifactFilterArchivedStatus, GovernArtifactFilterBlueprints, GovernArtifactFilterFieldValue
    gc = dataikuapi.GovernClient(host, apikey)
    # gc = dataikuapi.GovernClient(host, apikey, insecure_tls=True) # this line can be be used instead to disable checking the SSL certificate
    deployer_node_id = deployer_client.get_instance_info().node_id

    # first get the synced deployment on govern
    results = gc.new_artifact_search_request(GovernArtifactSearchQuery(
            GovernArtifactFilterFieldValue(condition_type='EQUALS', condition=deployer_node_id, field_id='node_id'),
            GovernArtifactFilterFieldValue(condition_type='EQUALS', condition=deployment_id, field_id='deployment_id'),
    if len(results) <= 0:
        return HookResult.error('Deployment is not synced to govern, wait a bit more, or perform a manual full sync of deployer items in the settings.')
    govern_deployment = results[0].to_artifact()

    # get the related bundle
    dku_bundle_id = govern_deployment.get_definition().get_raw().get('fields', {}).get('dataiku_bundle', None)
    if dku_bundle_id is None:
        return HookResult.error('Govern deployment has no linked bundle, perform a manual full sync of deployer items in the settings.')
    dku_bundle = gc.get_artifact(dku_bundle_id)

    # get the related govern bundle (associated governance layer)
    gov_bundle_id = dku_bundle.get_definition().get_raw().get('fields', {}).get('governed_by', None)
    if gov_bundle_id is None:
        return HookResult.error('Associated bundle is not governed, artifact_id: ' + dku_bundle_id)

    # get the associated signoff
    signoff_def = gc.get_artifact(gov_bundle_id).get_signoff(pre_prod_signoff_step_id).get_definition().get_raw()

    # perform the signoff status check
    if signoff_def.get('status', None) != 'APPROVED':
        return HookResult.error('Pre-prod sign-off on bundle is not approved: ' + gov_bundle_id + ', stepid: ' + pre_prod_signoff_step_id)

    # if all good, return success
    return HookResult.success("Pre-prod sign-off is approved")