The main API client#
The dataikuapi.DSSClient class is the entry point for many of the capabilities of the Dataiku API.
- class dataikuapi.DSSClient(host, api_key=None, internal_ticket=None, extra_headers=None, no_check_certificate=False, **kwargs)#
Entry point for the DSS API client
- list_futures(as_objects=False, all_users=False)#
List the currently-running long tasks (a.k.a futures)
- Parameters:
as_objects (boolean) – if True, each returned item will be a
all_users (boolean) – if True, returns futures for all users (requires admin privileges). Else, only returns futures for the user associated with the current authentication context (if any)
- Returns:
list of futures. if as_objects is True, each future in the list is a
. Else, each future in the list is a dict. Each dict contains at least a ‘jobId’ field- Return type:
list of
or list of dict
- list_running_scenarios(all_users=False)#
List the running scenarios
- Parameters:
all_users (boolean) – if True, returns scenarios for all users (requires admin privileges). Else, only returns scenarios for the user associated with the current authentication context (if any)
- Returns:
list of running scenarios, each one as a dict containing at least a “jobId” field for the future hosting the scenario run, and a “payload” field with scenario identifiers
- Return type:
list of dicts
- get_future(job_id)#
Get a handle to interact with a specific long task (a.k.a future). This notably allows aborting this future.
- Parameters:
job_id (str) – the identifier of the desired future (which can be returned by
)- Returns:
A handle to interact the future
- Return type:
- list_running_notebooks(as_objects=True)#
List the currently-running Jupyter notebooks
- Parameters:
as_objects (boolean) – if True, each returned item will be a
- Returns:
list of notebooks. if as_objects is True, each entry in the list is a
. Else, each item in the list is a dict which contains at least a “name” field.- Return type:
list of
or list of dict
- get_root_project_folder()#
Get a handle to interact with the root project folder.
- Returns:
to interact with this project folder
- get_project_folder(project_folder_id)#
Get a handle to interact with a project folder.
- Parameters:
project_folder_id (str) – the project folder ID of the desired project folder
- Returns:
to interact with this project folder
- list_project_keys()#
List the project keys (=project identifiers).
- Returns:
list of project keys identifiers, as strings
- Return type:
list of strings
- list_projects()#
List the projects
- Returns:
a list of projects, each as a dict. Each dictcontains at least a ‘projectKey’ field
- Return type:
list of dicts
- get_project(project_key)#
Get a handle to interact with a specific project.
- Parameters:
project_key (str) – the project key of the desired project
- Returns:
to interact with this project
- get_default_project()#
Get a handle to the current default project, if available (i.e. if dataiku.default_project_key() is valid)
- create_project(project_key, name, owner, description=None, settings=None, project_folder_id=None)#
Creates a new project, and return a project handle to interact with it.
Note: this call requires an API key with admin rights or the rights to create a project
- Parameters:
project_key (str) – the identifier to use for the project. Must be globally unique
name (str) – the display name for the project.
owner (str) – the login of the owner of the project.
description (str) – a description for the project.
settings (dict) – Initial settings for the project (can be modified later). The exact possible settings are not documented.
project_folder_id (str) – the project folder ID in which the project will be created (root project folder if not specified)
- Returns:
project handle to interact with this project
- list_apps(as_type='listitems')#
List the apps.
- Parameters:
as_type (str) – How to return the list. Supported values are “listitems” and “objects” (defaults to listitems).
- Returns:
The list of the apps. If “as_type” is “listitems”, each one as a
. If “as_type” is “objects”, each one as
- Return type:
- get_app(app_id)#
Get a handle to interact with a specific app.
If a project XXXX is an app template, the identifier of the associated app is PROJECT_XXXX
- Parameters:
app_id (str) – the id of the desired app
- Returns:
to interact with this project
- list_plugins()#
List the installed plugins
- Returns:
list of dict. Each dict contains at least a ‘id’ field
- download_plugin_stream(plugin_id)#
Download a development plugin, as a binary stream :param str plugin_id: identifier of the plugin to download
- Parameters:
plugin_id –
- Returns:
the binary stream
- download_plugin_to_file(plugin_id, path)#
Download a development plugin to a file
- Parameters:
plugin_id (str) – identifier of the plugin to download
path (str) – the path where to download the plugin
- Returns:
- install_plugin_from_archive(fp)#
Install a plugin from a plugin archive (as a file object)
- Parameters:
fp (object) – A file-like object pointing to a plugin archive zip
- start_install_plugin_from_archive(fp)#
Install a plugin from a plugin archive (as a file object) Returns immediately with a future representing the process done asycnhronously
- install_plugin_from_store(plugin_id)#
Install a plugin from the Dataiku plugin store
- Parameters:
plugin_id (str) – identifier of the plugin to install
- Returns:
representing the install process
- install_plugin_from_git(repository_url, checkout='master', subpath=None)#
Install a plugin from a Git repository. DSS must be setup to allow access to the repository.
- Parameters:
repository_url (str) – URL of a Git remote
checkout (str) – branch/tag/SHA1 to commit. For example “master”
subpath (str) – Optional, path within the repository to use as plugin. Should contain a ‘plugin.json’ file
- Returns:
representing the install process
- get_plugin(plugin_id)#
Get a handle to interact with a specific plugin
- Parameters:
plugin_id (str) – the identifier of the desired plugin
- Returns:
- sql_query(query, connection=None, database=None, dataset_full_name=None, pre_queries=None, post_queries=None, type='sql', extra_conf=None, script_steps=None, script_input_schema=None, script_output_schema=None, script_report_location=None, read_timestamp_without_timezone_as_string=True, read_date_as_string=False, project_key=None, datetimenotz_read_mode='AS_IS', dateonly_read_mode='AS_IS')#
Initiate a SQL, Hive or Impala query and get a handle to retrieve the results of the query.
Internally, the query is run by DSS. The database to run the query on is specified either by passing a connection name, or by passing a database name, or by passing a dataset full name (whose connection is then used to retrieve the database)
- Parameters:
query (str) – the query to run
connection (str) – the connection on which the query should be run (exclusive of database and dataset_full_name)
database (str) – the database on which the query should be run (exclusive of connection and dataset_full_name)
dataset_full_name (str) – the dataset on the connection of which the query should be run (exclusive of connection and database)
pre_queries (list) – (optional) array of queries to run before the query
post_queries (list) – (optional) array of queries to run after the query
type (str) – the type of query : either ‘sql’, ‘hive’ or ‘impala’ (default: sql)
project_key (str) – The project_key on which the query should be run (especially useful for user isolation/impersonation scenario)
datetimenotz_read_mode (str) – if set to ‘AS_IS’, read SQL data types that map to the ‘datetime no tz’ DSS type as such. If set to ‘AS_STRING’, read them as strings, straight from the database (ie: conversion to string is done by the database, according to its own settings). If set to ‘AS_DATE’, read them as the DSS ‘datetime with tz’ type, in the UTC timezone. Default ‘AS_IS’
dateonly_read_mode (str) – if set to ‘AS_IS’, read SQL data types that map to the ‘date only’ DSS type as such. If set to ‘AS_STRING’, read them as strings, straight from the database. If set to ‘AS_DATE’, read them as the DSS ‘datetime with tz’ type, in the UTC timezone. Default ‘AS_IS’
- Returns:
a handle on the SQL query
- Return type:
- list_users(as_objects=False)#
List all users setup on the DSS instance
Note: this call requires an API key with admin rights
- Returns:
A list of users, as a list of
if as_objects is True, else as a list of dicts- Return type:
list of
or list of dicts
- get_user(login)#
Get a handle to interact with a specific user
- Parameters:
login (str) – the login of the desired user
- Returns:
user handle
- create_user(login, password, display_name='', source_type='LOCAL', groups=None, profile='DATA_SCIENTIST', email=None)#
Create a user, and return a handle to interact with it
Note: this call requires an API key with admin rights
- Parameters:
login (str) – the login of the new user
password (str) – the password of the new user
display_name (str) – the displayed name for the new user
source_type (str) – the type of new user. Admissible values are ‘LOCAL’ or ‘LDAP’
groups (list) – the names of the groups the new user belongs to (defaults to [])
profile (str) – The profile for the new user. Typical values (depend on your license): FULL_DESIGNER, DATA_DESIGNER, AI_CONSUMER, …
email (str) – The email for the new user.
- Returns:
user handle
- get_own_user()#
- list_users_activity(enabled_users_only=False)#
List all users activity
Note: this call requires an API key with admin rights
- Returns:
A list of user activity logs, as a list of
if as_objects is True, else as a list of dict- Return type:
list of
or a list of dict
- list_expired_trial_users()#
List users whose trials have expired :return: A list of users
- get_authorization_matrix()#
Get the authorization matrix for all enabled users and groups
Note: this call requires an API key with admin rights
- Returns:
The authorization matrix
- Return type:
authorization matrix handle
- start_resync_users_from_supplier(logins)#
Starts a resync of multiple users from an external supplier (LDAP, Azure AD or custom auth)
- Parameters:
logins (list) – list of logins to resync
- Returns:
representing the sync process- Return type:
- start_resync_all_users_from_supplier()#
Starts a resync of all users from an external supplier (LDAP, Azure AD or custom auth)
- Returns:
representing the sync process- Return type:
- start_fetch_external_groups(user_source_type)#
Fetch groups from external source
- Parameters:
user_source_type – ‘LDAP’, ‘AZURE_AD’ or ‘CUSTOM’
- Return type:
- Returns:
a DSSFuture containing a list of group names
- start_fetch_external_users(user_source_type, login=None, group_name=None)#
- Fetch users from external source filtered by login or group name:
if login is provided, will search for a user with an exact match in the external source (e.g. before login remapping)
- else,
if group_name is provided, will search for members of the group in the external source
else will search for all users
- Parameters:
user_source_type – ‘LDAP’, ‘AZURE_AD’ or ‘CUSTOM’
login – optional - the login of the user in the external source
group_name – optional - the group name of the group in the external source
- Return type:
- Returns:
a DSSFuture containing a list of ExternalUser
- start_provision_users(user_source_type, users)#
Provision users of given source type
- Parameters:
user_source_type (string) – ‘LDAP’, ‘AZURE_AD’ or ‘CUSTOM’
users (list) – list of user attributes coming form the external source
- Return type:
- list_groups()#
List all groups setup on the DSS instance
Note: this call requires an API key with admin rights
- Returns:
A list of groups, as an list of dicts
- Return type:
list of dicts
- get_group(name)#
Get a handle to interact with a specific group
- Parameters:
name (str) – the name of the desired group
- Returns:
group handle
- create_group(name, description=None, source_type='LOCAL')#
Create a group, and return a handle to interact with it
Note: this call requires an API key with admin rights
- Parameters:
name (str) – the name of the new group
description (str) – (optional) a description of the new group
source_type – the type of the new group. Admissible values are ‘LOCAL’ and ‘LDAP’
- Returns:
group handle
- list_connections(as_type='dictitems')#
List all connections setup on the DSS instance.
This call requires an API key with admin rights
- Parameters:
as_type (string) – how to return the connection. Possible values are “dictitems”, “listitems” and “objects”
- Returns:
if as_type is dictitems, a dict of connection name to
. if as_type is listitems, a list ofdataikuapi.dss.admin.DSSConnectionListItem
. if as_type is objects, a list ofdataikuapi.dss.admin.DSSConnection
.- Return type:
dict or list
- list_connections_names(connection_type)#
List all connections names on the DSS instance.
- Parameters:
connection_type (str) – Returns only connections with this type. Use ‘all’ if you don’t want to filter.
- Returns:
the list of connections names
- Return type:
- get_connection(name)#
Get a handle to interact with a specific connection
- Parameters:
name (str) – the name of the desired connection
- Returns:
connection handle
- create_connection(name, type, params=None, usable_by='ALL', allowed_groups=None)#
Create a connection, and return a handle to interact with it
Note: this call requires an API key with admin rights
- Parameters:
name – the name of the new connection
type – the type of the new connection
params (dict) – the parameters of the new connection, as a JSON object (defaults to {})
usable_by – the type of access control for the connection. Either ‘ALL’ (=no access control) or ‘ALLOWED’ (=access restricted to users of a list of groups)
allowed_groups (list) – when using access control (that is, setting usable_by=’ALLOWED’), the list of names of the groups whose users are allowed to use the new connection (defaults to [])
- Returns:
connection handle
- list_code_envs(as_objects=False)#
List all code envs setup on the DSS instance
- Parameters:
as_objects (boolean) – if True, each returned item will be a
- Returns:
a list of code envs. Each code env is a dict containing at least “name”, “type” and “language”
- get_code_env(env_lang, env_name)#
Get a handle to interact with a specific code env
- Parameters:
env_lang – the language (PYTHON or R) of the new code env
env_name – the name of the new code env
- Returns:
code env handle
- create_code_env(env_lang, env_name, deployment_mode, params=None)#
Create a code env, and return a handle to interact with it
Note: this call requires an API key with Create code envs or Manage all code envs permission
- Parameters:
env_lang – the language (PYTHON or R) of the new code env
env_name – the name of the new code env
deployment_mode – the type of the new code env
params – the parameters of the new code env, as a JSON object
- Returns:
code env handle
- list_code_env_usages()#
List all usages of a code env in the instance
- Returns:
a list of objects where the code env is used
- create_code_env_from_python_preset(preset_name, allow_update=True, interpreter=None, prefix=None)#
- list_clusters()#
List all clusters setup on the DSS instance
- Returns:
List clusters (name, type, state)
- get_cluster(cluster_id)#
Get a handle to interact with a specific cluster
- Args:
name: the name of the desired cluster
- Returns:
cluster handle
- create_cluster(cluster_name, cluster_type='manual', params=None, cluster_architecture='HADOOP')#
Create a cluster, and return a handle to interact with it
- Parameters:
cluster_name – the name of the new cluster
cluster_type – the type of the new cluster
params – the parameters of the new cluster, as a JSON object
cluster_architecture – the architecture of the new cluster. ‘HADOOP’ or ‘KUBERNETES’
- Returns:
cluster handle
- list_code_studio_templates(as_type='listitems')#
List all code studio templates on the DSS instance
- Returns:
List of templates (name, type)
- get_code_studio_template(template_id)#
Get a handle to interact with a specific code studio template
- Parameters:
template_id (str) – the template id of the desired code studio template
- Returns:
code studio template handle
- list_global_api_keys(as_type='listitems')#
List all global API keys set up on the DSS instance
This call requires an API key with admin rights
If the secure API keys feature is enabled, the secret key of the listed API keys will not be present in the returned objects
- Parameters:
as_type (str) – How to return the global API keys. Possible values are “listitems” and “objects”
- Returns:
if as_type=listitems, each key as a
. if as_type=objects, each key is returned as adataikuapi.dss.admin.DSSGlobalApiKey
- get_global_api_key(key)#
Get a handle to interact with a specific Global API key
Deprecated since version 13.0.0: Use
. Calling this method with an invalid secret key will now result in an immediate error.- Parameters:
key (str) – the secret key of the API key
- Returns:
API key handle
- get_global_api_key_by_id(id_)#
Get a handle to interact with a specific Global API key
- Parameters:
id (str) – the id the API key
- Returns:
API key handle
- create_global_api_key(label=None, description=None, admin=False)#
Create a Global API key, and return a handle to interact with it
This call requires an API key with admin rights
The secret key of the created API key will always be present in the returned object, even if the secure API keys feature is enabled
- Parameters:
label (str) – the label of the new API key
description (str) – the description of the new API key
admin (boolean) – has the new API key admin rights (True or False)
- Returns:
API key handle
- list_personal_api_keys(as_type='listitems')#
List all your personal API keys.
- Parameters:
as_type (str) – How to return the personal API keys. Possible values are “listitems” and “objects”
- Returns:
if as_type=listitems, each key as a
. if as_type=objects, each key is returned as adataikuapi.dss.admin.DSSPersonalApiKey
- get_personal_api_key(id)#
Get a handle to interact with a specific Personal API key.
- Parameters:
id (str) – the id of the desired API key
- Returns:
API key handle
- create_personal_api_key(label='', description='', as_type='dict')#
Create a Personal API key associated with your user.
- Parameters:
label (str) – the label of the new API key
description (str) – the description of the new API key
as_type (str) – How to return the personal API keys. Possible values are “dict” and “object”
- Returns:
if as_type=dict, the new personal API key is returned as a dict. if as_type=object, the new personal API key is returned as a
- list_all_personal_api_keys(as_type='listitems')#
List all personal API keys. Only admin can list all the keys.
- Parameters:
as_type (str) – How to return the personal API keys. Possible values are “listitems” and “objects”
- Returns:
if as_type=listitems, each key as a
. if as_type=objects, each key is returned as adataikuapi.dss.admin.DSSPersonalApiKey
- create_personal_api_key_for_user(user, label='', description='', as_type='object')#
Create a Personal API key associated on behalf of a user. Only admin can create a key for another user.
- Parameters:
label (str) – the label of the new API key
description (str) – the description of the new API key
user (str) – the id of the user to impersonate
as_type (str) – How to return the personal API keys. Possible values are “dict” and “object”
- Returns:
if as_type=dict, the new personal API key is returned as a dict. if as_type=object, the new personal API key is returned as a
- list_meanings()#
List all user-defined meanings on the DSS instance
Note: this call requires an API key with admin rights
- Returns:
A list of meanings. Each meaning is a dict
- Return type:
list of dicts
- get_meaning(id)#
Get a handle to interact with a specific user-defined meaning
Note: this call requires an API key with admin rights
- Parameters:
id (str) – the ID of the desired meaning
- Returns:
meaning handle
- create_meaning(id, label, type, description=None, values=None, mappings=None, pattern=None, normalizationMode=None, detectable=False)#
Create a meaning, and return a handle to interact with it
Note: this call requires an API key with admin rights
- Parameters:
id – the ID of the new meaning
type – the type of the new meaning. Admissible values are ‘DECLARATIVE’, ‘VALUES_LIST’, ‘VALUES_MAPPING’ and ‘PATTERN’
(optional) (detectable) – the description of the new meaning
(optional) – when type is ‘VALUES_LIST’, the list of values, or a list of {‘value’:’the value’, ‘color’:’an optional color’}
(optional) – when type is ‘VALUES_MAPPING’, the mapping, as a list of objects with this structure: {‘from’: ‘value_1’, ‘to’: ‘value_a’}
(optional) – when type is ‘PATTERN’, the pattern
(optional) – when type is ‘VALUES_LIST’, ‘VALUES_MAPPING’ or ‘PATTERN’, the normalization mode to use for value matching. One of ‘EXACT’, ‘LOWERCASE’, or ‘NORMALIZED’ (not available for ‘PATTERN’ type). Defaults to ‘EXACT’.
(optional) – whether DSS should consider assigning the meaning to columns set to ‘Auto-detect’. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
meaning handle
- list_logs()#
List all available log files on the DSS instance This call requires an API key with admin rights
- Returns:
A list of log file names
- get_log(name)#
Get the contents of a specific log file This call requires an API key with admin rights
- Parameters:
name (str) – the name of the desired log file (obtained with
)- Returns:
The full content of the log file, as a string
- log_custom_audit(custom_type, custom_params=None)#
Log a custom entry to the audit trail
- Parameters:
custom_type (str) – value for customMsgType in audit trail item
custom_params (dict) – value for customMsgParams in audit trail item (defaults to {})
- get_global_usage_summary(with_per_project=False)#
Gets a summary of the global usage of this DSS instance (number of projects, datasets, …) :returns: a summary object
- get_variables()#
Deprecated. Use
- get_global_variables()#
Get the DSS instance’s variables, as a Python dictionary
This call requires an API key with admin rights
- Returns:
- set_variables(variables)#
Deprecated. Use
Updates the DSS instance’s variables
This call requires an API key with admin rights
It is not possible to update a single variable, you must set all of them at once. Thus, you should only use a
parameter that has been obtained usingget_variables()
.- Parameters:
variables (dict) – the new dictionary of all variables of the instance
- get_resolved_variables(project_key=None, typed=False)#
Get a dictionary of resolved variables of the project.
- Parameters:
project_key (str) – the project key, defaults to the current project if any
typed (bool) – if True, the variable values will be typed in the returned dict, defaults to False
- Returns:
a dictionary with instance and project variables merged
- get_general_settings()#
Gets a handle to interact with the general settings.
This call requires an API key with admin rights
- Returns:
- class PermissionsPropagationPolicy(value)#
An enumeration.
- NONE = 'NONE'#
- ALL = 'ALL'#
- create_project_from_bundle_local_archive(archive_path, project_folder=None, permissions_propagation_policy=PermissionsPropagationPolicy.NONE)#
Create a project from a bundle archive. Warning: this method can only be used on an automation node.
- Parameters:
archive_path (string) – Path on the local machine where the archive is
project_folder (A
) – the project folder in which the project will be created or None for root project folderpermissions_propagation_policy (A
) – propagate the permissions that were set in the design node to the new project on the automation node (default: False)
- create_project_from_bundle_archive(fp, project_folder=None)#
Create a project from a bundle archive (as a file object) Warning: this method can only be used on an automation node.
- Parameters:
fp (string) – A file-like object pointing to a bundle archive zip
project_folder (A
) – the project folder in which the project will be created or None for root project folder
- prepare_project_import(f)#
Prepares import of a project archive. Warning: this method can only be used on a design node.
- Parameters:
fp (file-like) – the input stream, as a file-like object
- Returns:
to interact with the prepared import
- get_apideployer()#
Gets a handle to work with the API Deployer
- Return type:
- get_projectdeployer()#
Gets a handle to work with the Project Deployer
- Return type:
- get_unified_monitoring()#
Gets a handle to work with Unified Monitoring
- Return type:
- catalog_index_connections(connection_names=None, all_connections=False, indexing_mode='FULL')#
Triggers an indexing of multiple connections in the data catalog
- Parameters:
connection_names (list) – list of connections to index, ignored if all_connections=True (defaults to [])
all_connections (bool) – index all connections (defaults to False)
- get_scoring_libs_stream()#
Get the scoring libraries jar required for scoring with model jars that don’t include libraries. You need to close the stream after download. Failure to do so will result in the DSSClient becoming unusable.
- Returns:
a jar file, as a stream
- Return type:
- get_auth_info(with_secrets=False)#
Returns various information about the user currently authenticated using this instance of the API client.
This method returns a dict that may contain the following keys (may also contain others):
authIdentifier: login for a user, id for an API key
groups: list of group names (if context is an user)
secrets: list of dicts containing user secrets (if context is an user)
- Param:
with_secrets boolean: Return user secrets
- Returns:
a dict
- Return type:
- get_auth_info_from_browser_headers(headers_dict, with_secrets=False)#
Returns various information about the DSS user authenticated by the dictionary of HTTP headers provided in headers_dict.
This is generally only used in webapp backends
This method returns a dict that may contain the following keys (may also contain others):
authIdentifier: login for a user, id for an API key
groups: list of group names (if context is an user)
secrets: list of dicts containing user secrets (if context is an user)
- Param:
headers_dict dict: Dictionary of HTTP headers
- Param:
with_secrets boolean: Return user secrets
- Returns:
a dict
- Return type:
- get_ticket_from_browser_headers(headers_dict)#
Returns a ticket for the DSS user authenticated by the dictionary of HTTP headers provided in headers_dict.
This is only used in webapp backends
This method returns a ticket to use as a X-DKU-APITicket header
- Param:
headers_dict dict: Dictionary of HTTP headers
- Returns:
a string
- Return type:
- push_base_images()#
Push base images for Kubernetes container-execution and Spark-on-Kubernetes
- apply_kubernetes_namespaces_policies()#
Apply Kubernetes namespaces policies defined in the general settings
- build_cde_plugins_image()#
Build and Push the image for containerized dss engine (CDE) with plugins :return: A
representing the build process
- get_instance_info()#
Get global information about the DSS instance
- Returns:
- perform_instance_sanity_check(exclusion_list=[], wait=True)#
Run an Instance Sanity Check.
This call requires an API key with admin rights.
- Parameters:
exclusion_list – a string list of codes to exclude in the sanity check, as returned by
- Returns:
if wait is True, or adataikuapi.dss.future.DSSFuture
handle otherwise- Return type:
- get_sanity_check_codes()#
Return the list of codes that can be generated by the sanity check.
This call requires an API key with admin rights.
- Return type:
- get_licensing_status()#
Returns a dictionary with information about licensing status of this DSS instance
- Return type:
- set_license(license)#
Sets a new licence for DSS
- Parameters:
license – license (content of license file)
- Returns:
- get_govern_client()#
Return the Govern Client handle corresponding to the Dataiku Govern integration settigns, or None if not enabled or misconfigured.
This call requires an API key with admin rights.
- Returns:
a Dataiku Govern client handle or None if not enabled or misconfigured
- Return type:
or None
- get_object_discussions(project_key, object_type, object_id)#
Get a handle to manage discussions on any object
- Parameters:
project_key (str) – identifier of the project to access
object_type (str) – DSS object type
object_id (str) – DSS object ID
- Returns:
the handle to manage discussions
- Return type:
- get_feature_store()#
Get a handle to interact with the Feature Store.
- Returns:
a handle on the feature store
- Return type:
- list_workspaces(as_objects=False)#
List the workspaces
- Returns:
The list of workspaces.
- get_workspace(workspace_key)#
Get a handle to interact with a specific workspace
- Parameters:
workspace_key (str) – the workspace key of the desired workspace
- Returns:
to interact with this workspace
- create_workspace(workspace_key, name, permissions=None, description=None, color=None)#
Create a new workspace and return a workspace handle to interact with it
- Parameters:
workspace_key (str) – the identifier to use for the workspace. Must be globally unique
name (str) – the display name for the workspace.
permissions ([dataikuapi.dss.workspace.DSSWorkspacePermissionItem]) – Initial permissions for the workspace (can be modified later).
description (str) – a description for the workspace.
color (str) – The color to use (#RRGGBB format). A random color will be assigned if not specified
- Returns:
workspace handle to interact with this workspace
- list_data_collections(as_type='listitems')#
List the accessible data collections
- Parameters:
as_type (str) – How to return the list. Supported values are “listitems”, “objects” and “dict” (defaults to listitems).
- Returns:
The list of data collections.
- Return type:
a list of
if as_type is “listitems”, a list ofdataikuapi.dss.data_collection.DSSDataCollection
if as_type is “objects”, a list of dict if as_type is “dict”
- get_data_collection(id)#
Get a handle to interact with a specific data collection
- Parameters:
id (str) – the id of the data collection to fetch
- Return type:
- create_data_collection(displayName, id=None, tags=None, description=None, color=None, permissions=None)#
Create a new data collection and return a handle to interact with it
- Parameters:
displayName (str) – the display name for the data collection.
id (str) – the identifier to use for the data_collection. Must be 8 alphanumerical characters if set, otherwise a random id will be generated.
tags (list of str) – The list of tags to use (defaults to [])
description (str) – a description for the data collection
color (str) – The color to use (#RRGGBB format). A random color will be assigned if not specified
permissions (a list of
) – Initial permissions for the data collection (can be modified later - current user will always be added as admin).
- Returns:
Handle of the newly created Data Collection
- Return type:
- get_messaging_channel(channel_id)#
Get the messaging channel with the corresponding ID
- Parameters:
channel_id – ID of channel as specified Notifications & Integrations UI
- Returns:
A messaging channel object, such as DSSMessagingChannel, or a DSSMailMessagingChannel for mail a channel
- list_messaging_channels(as_type='listitems', channel_type=None, channel_family=None)#
List all available messaging channels
- Parameters:
as_type (str) – How to return the list. Supported values are “listitems” and “objects” (defaults to listitems).
channel_type (str) – a channel type to filter by, e.g. “smtp”, “aws-ses-mail”, “slack”
channel_family (str) – a str to filter for family of channels with a similar interface - “mail” for all channels that send email-like messages
- Returns:
A list of messaging channels after the filtering specified, as listitems (DSSMessagingChannelListItem) or objects (DSSMessagingChannel / DSSMailMessagingChannel)
- get_data_quality_status()#
Get the status of data-quality monitored projects, including the count of monitored datasets in Ok/Warning/Error/Empty statuses.
- Returns:
The dict of data quality monitored project statuses.
- Return type:
dict with PROJECT_KEY as key
- get_sso_settings()#
Get the Single Sign-On (SSO) settings
- Returns:
SSO settings
- Return type:
- get_ldap_settings()#
Get the LDAP settings
- Returns:
LDAP settings
- Return type:
- get_azure_ad_settings()#
Get the Azure Active Directory (aka Microsoft Entra ID) settings
- Returns:
Azure AD settings
- Return type:
- get_llm_cost_limiting_counters()#
Gets the LLM cost limiting counters of the instance
- Returns:
the cost limiting counters
- Return type:
- class dataikuapi.dssclient.TemporaryImportHandle(client, import_id)#
- execute(settings=None)#
Executes the import with provided settings.
- Parameters:
settings (dict) –
Dict of import settings (defaults to {}). The following settings are available:
targetProjectKey (string): Key to import under. Defaults to the original project key
remapping (dict): Dictionary of connection and code env remapping settings.
See example of remapping dict:
"remapping" : { "connections": [ { "source": "src_conn1", "target": "target_conn1" }, { "source": "src_conn2", "target": "target_conn2" } ], "codeEnvs" : [ { "source": "src_codeenv1", "target": "target_codeenv1" }, { "source": "src_codeenv2", "target": "target_codeenv2" } ] }
@warning: You must check the ‘success’ flag