SQL Query#

class dataikuapi.dss.sqlquery.DSSSQLQuery(client, query, connection, database, dataset_full_name, pre_queries, post_queries, type, extra_conf, script_steps, script_input_schema, script_output_schema, script_report_location, read_timestamp_without_timezone_as_string, read_date_as_string, datetimenotz_read_mode, dateonly_read_mode, project_key)#

A connection to a database or database-like on which queries can be run through DSS.


Do not create this class directly, instead use dataikuapi.DSSClient.sql_query()

Usage example:

# run some query on a connection
query = client.sql_query('select * from "public"."SOME_TABLE"', connection='some_postgres_connection')
n = 0
for row in query.iter_rows():
    n += 1
    if n < 10:
        print("row %s : %s" % (n, row))
print("Returned %s rows" % n)

Get the query’s result set’s schema.

The schema made of DSS column types, and built from mapping database types to DSS types. The actual type in the database can be found in the originalType field (originalSQLType in BigQuery)


a schema, as a dict with a columns array, in which each element is a column, itself as a dict of

  • name : the column name

  • type : the column type (smallint, int, bigint, float, double, boolean, date, string)

  • length : the string length

  • comment : the column name

  • originalType : type of the column in the database

Return type:



Get an iterator on the query’s results.


an iterator over the rows, each row being a tuple of values. The order of values in the tuples is the same as the order of columns in the schema returned by get_schema(). The values are cast to python types according to the types in get_schema()

Return type:



Verify that reading results completed successfully.

When using the iter_rows() method, and the iterator stops returning rows, there is no way to tell whether there are no more rows because the query didn’t return more rows, or because an error in the query, or in the fetching of its results, happened. You should thus call verify() after the iterator is done, because it will raise an Exception if an error happened.

