Datasets (reading and writing data)#

Please see Datasets for an introduction to interacting with datasets in Dataiku Python API

For a starting code sample, please see Python Recipes.

Basic usage#

Reading a Dataiku dataset as a Pandas Dataframe:

import dataiku

mydataset = dataiku.Dataset("myname")

df = mydataset.get_dataframe()

Writing a Pandas Dataframe to a Dataiku dataset

import dataiku

output_dataset = dataiku.Dataset("output_dataset")


Typing and schema#

Type inference versus dataset-provided types#

This applies when reading a dataframe.

By default, the data frame is created without explicit typing. This means that we let Pandas “guess” the proper Pandas type for each column. The main advantage of this approach is that even if your dataset only contains “string” columns (which is the default on a newly imported dataset from CSV, for example) if the column actually contains numbers, a proper numerical type will be used.

If you pass infer_with_pandas=False as an option to get_dataframe(), the exact dataset types will be passed to Pandas. Note that if your dataset contains invalid values, the whole get_dataframe call will fail.

import dataiku

mydataset = dataiku.Dataset("myname")
# The dataframe will have the types specified by the storage types in the dataset "myname"
df = mydataset.get_dataframe(infer_with_pandas=False)

Nullable integers#

This applies when reading a dataframe.

By default, when using infer_with_pandas=False, DSS uses the regular integer types for pandas, i.e. np.int64 and others.

These types do not support null values, which mean that if a column contains a single missing value, reading will fail. To avoid this, you can use the pandas “nullable integer” types, i.e. pd.Int64DType and others

To use these, use use_nullable_integers=True

import dataiku

mydataset = dataiku.Dataset("myname")
# The dataframe will have the types specified by the storage types in the dataset "myname", even if an integer column contains null values
df = mydataset.get_dataframe(infer_with_pandas=False, use_nullable_integers=True)

Using nullable integers also causes DSS to use the exact type size (8 bits for tinyint, 16 bits for smallint, …)

Using categoricals#

This applies when reading a dataframe.

For alphanumerical columns with a small number of values, pandas provides a Categorical type that improves memory consumption, by storing references to a dictionary of possible values.

DSS does not automatically use categoricals, but you can request to use categoricals, either for explicitly-selected columns, or for string columns

import dataiku

mydataset = dataiku.Dataset("myname")

# Read columns A and B as categoricals. Other string columns will be read as regular strings
df = mydataset.get_dataframe(infer_with_pandas=False, categoricals=["A", "B"])

# Read all string columns as categoricals (beware, if your columns have many values, this will be less efficient)
df = mydataset.get_dataframe(infer_with_pandas=False, categoricals="all_strings")

Writing the output schema#

When you use the write_with_schema method, this is what happens: the schema of the dataframe is used to modify the schema of the output dataset, each time the Python recipe is run. This must obviously be used with caution, as mistakes could lead the “next” parts of your Flow to fail if your schema changes.

You can also select to only write the schema (not the data):

import dataiku

# Set the schema of ‘myoutputdataset’ to match the columns of the dataframe

And you can write the data in the dataframe without changing the schema:

# Write the dataframe without touching the schema

Fast path reading#

When using the universal get_dataframe API, all data goes through DSS, to be handled in a unified way.

In addition, Dataiku has the ability to read the dataset as a Pandas dataframe, using fast-path access (without going through DSS), if possible.

The fast path method provides better performance than the usual get_dataframe method, but is only compatible with some dataset types and formats.

Fast path requires the “permission details readable” to be granted on the connection.

Dataframes obtained using this method may differ from those using get_dataframe, notably around schemas and data.

At the moment, this fast path is available for:

  • S3 datasets using Parquet. This requires the additional s3fs package, as well as fastparquet or pyarrow

  • Snowflake datasets. This requires the additional snowflake-connector-python[pandas] package

import dataiku

ds = dataiku.Dataset("my_s3_parquet_dataset")
df = ds.get_fast_path_dataframe() # will usually be much faster than get_dataframe

# fast path dataframe on S3+parquet is especially efficient when only selecting some columns
df = ds.get_fast_path_dataframe(columns=["A", "B", "C"])

ds = dataiku.Dataset("my_snowflake_dataset")
df = ds.get_fast_path_dataframe() # will usually be much faster than get_dataframe

# fast path dataframe on Snowflake is especially efficient when only selecting some columns
df = ds.get_fast_path_dataframe(columns=["A", "B", "C"])

Improving read performance#

When not using fast path reading, you can get improved reading performance by adding the “skip_additional_data_checks” option.

import dataiku

ds = dataiku.Dataset("my_s3_parquet_dataset")
df = ds.get_dataframe(skip_additional_data_checks=True)

While this option is not enabled by default to ensure backwards compatibility, it can almost always be used.

If you know data is good, read performance on CSV datasets can also be strongly improved by going to the format settings and setting “Bad data type behavior (read)” to “Ignore”

Chunked reading and writing with Pandas#

When using get_dataframe(), the whole dataset (or selected partitions) is read into a single Pandas dataframe, which must fit in RAM on the DSS server.

This is sometimes inconvenient and DSS provides a way to do this in chunks:

mydataset = Dataset("myname")

for df in mydataset.iter_dataframes(chunksize=10000):
        # df is a dataframe of at most 10K rows.

By doing this, you only need to load a few thousand rows at a time.

Writing in a dataset can also be made by chunks of data frames. For that, you need to obtain a writer:

inp = Dataset("input")
out = Dataset("output")

with out.get_writer() as writer:

        for df in inp.iter_dataframes():
                # Process the df dataframe ...

                # Write the processed dataframe


When using chunked writing, you cannot set the schema for each chunk, you cannot use Dataset.write_with_schema.

Instead, you should set the schema first on the dataset object, using Dataset.write_schema_from_dataframe(first_output_dataframe)

Using the streaming API#

If the dataset does not fit in memory, it is also possible to stream the rows. This is often more complicated, so we recommend using Pandas for most use cases


Dataset object’s:

  • iter_rows method are iterating over the rows of the dataset, represented as dictionary-like objects.

  • iter_tuples method are iterating over the rows of the dataset, represented as tuples. Values are ordered according to the schema of the dataset.

import dataiku
from collections import Counter

cars = dataiku.Dataset("cars")

origin_count = Counter()

# iterate on the dataset. The row object is a dict-like object
# the dataset is "streamed" and it is not required to fit in RAM.
for row in cars.iter_rows():
    origin_count[row["origin"]] += 1

### Writing the output schema

Generally speaking, it is preferable to declare the schema of the output dataset prior to running the Python code. However, it is often impractical to do so, especially when you write data frames with many columns (or columns that change often). In that case, it can be useful for the Python script to actually modify the schema of the dataset.

The Dataset API provides a method to set the schema of the output dataset. When doing that, the schema of the dataset is modified each time the Python recipe is run. This must obviously be used with caution.

  "name": "origin",
  "type": "string",
  "name": "count",
  "type": "int",

Writing the data#

Writing the output dataset is done via a writer object returned by Dataset.get_writer

with output.get_writer() as writer:
    for (origin,count) in origin_count.items():

Don’t forget to close your writer. If you don’t, your data will not get fully written. In some cases (like SQL output datasets), no data will get written at all.

We strongly recommend that you use the with keyword in Python to ensure that the writer is closed.


All calls to iterate the dataset (get_dataframe, iter_dataframes, iter_rows, and iter_tuples) take several arguments to set sampling.

Sampling lets you only retrieve a selection of the rows of the input dataset. It’s often useful when using Pandas if your dataset does not fit in RAM.

For more information about sampling methods, please see Sampling.

The sampling argument takes the following values: head, random, random-column

  • head returns the first rows of the dataset. Additional arguments:

    • limit=X : number of rows to read

  • random returns a random sample of the dataset. Additional arguments:

    • ratio=X: ratio (between 0 and 1) to select.

    • OR: limit=X: number of rows to read.

  • random-column return a column-based random sample. Additional arguments:

    • sampling_column: column to use for sampling

    • ratio=X: ratio (between 0 and 1) to select


# Get a Dataframe over the first 3K rows
dataset.get_dataframe(sampling='head', limit=3000)

# Iterate over a random 10% sample
dataset.iter_tuples(sampling='random', ratio=0.1)

# Iterate over 27% of the values of column 'user_id'
dataset.iter_tuples(sampling='random-column', sampling_column='user_id', ratio=0.27)

# Get a chunked stream of dataframes over 100K randomly selected rows
dataset.iter_dataframes(sampling='random', limit=100000)

Getting a dataset as raw bytes#

In addition to retrieving a dataset as Pandas Dataframes or iterator, you can also ask DSS for a streamed export, as formatted data.

Data can be exported by DSS in various formats: CSV, Excel, Avro, …

# Read a dataset as Excel, and dump to a file, chunk by chunk
# Very important: you MUST use a with() statement to ensure that the stream
# returned by raw_formatted is closed

with open(target_path, "wb") as ofl:
        with dataset.raw_formatted_data(format="excel") as ifl:
                while True:
                        chunk =
                        if len(chunk) == 0:

Data interaction (dataikuapi variant)#

This section covers reading data using the dataikuapi pacakge. We recommend that you rather use the dataiku package for reading data.

Reading data (dataikuapi variant)#

The data of a dataset can be streamed with the iter_rows() method. This call returns the raw data, so that in most cases it is necessary to first get the dataset’s schema with a call to get_schema(). For example, printing the first 10 rows can be done with

columns = [column['name'] for column in dataset.get_schema()['columns']]
row_count = 0
for row in dataset.iter_rows():
        row_count = row_count + 1
        if row_count >= 10:


['tube_assembly_id', 'supplier', 'quote_date', 'annual_usage', 'min_order_quantity', 'bracket_pricing', 'quantity', 'cost']
['TA-00002', 'S-0066', '2013-07-07', '0', '0', 'Yes', '1', '21.9059330191461']
['TA-00002', 'S-0066', '2013-07-07', '0', '0', 'Yes', '2', '12.3412139792904']
['TA-00002', 'S-0066', '2013-07-07', '0', '0', 'Yes', '5', '6.60182614356538']
['TA-00002', 'S-0066', '2013-07-07', '0', '0', 'Yes', '10', '4.6877695119712']
['TA-00002', 'S-0066', '2013-07-07', '0', '0', 'Yes', '25', '3.54156118026073']
['TA-00002', 'S-0066', '2013-07-07', '0', '0', 'Yes', '50', '3.22440644770007']
['TA-00002', 'S-0066', '2013-07-07', '0', '0', 'Yes', '100', '3.08252143576504']
['TA-00002', 'S-0066', '2013-07-07', '0', '0', 'Yes', '250', '2.99905966403855']
['TA-00004', 'S-0066', '2013-07-07', '0', '0', 'Yes', '1', '21.9727024365273']
['TA-00004', 'S-0066', '2013-07-07', '0', '0', 'Yes', '2', '12.4079833966715']

Reading data for a partition (dataikuapi variant)#

The data of a given partition can be retrieved by passing the appropriate partition spec as parameter to iter_rows():

row_count = 0
for row in dataset.iter_rows(partitions='partition_spec1,partition_spec2'):
        row_count = row_count + 1
        if row_count >= 10:

Reference documentation#

dataiku.Dataset(name[, project_key, ignore_flow])

Provides a handle to obtain readers and writers on a dataiku Dataset.


Handle to write to a dataset.


List of the definitions of the columns in a dataset.

dataiku.core.dataset.DatasetCursor(val, ...)

A dataset cursor iterating on the rows.