Deploying a model to an edge device with AWS IoT Greengrass#

In this tutorial you will see how to set up a Raspberry Pi edge device, connect it to AWS IoT Greengrass, package a Dataiku Saved Model as a python function, then deploy it as an inferencing component to the edge device via Greengrass.


  • Dataiku >= 13.1.0

  • A Project in which you already deployed a Saved Model version trained on the Bank Marketing Dataset

  • An AWS account and the minimum IAM permissions to provision IoT Greengrass resources (listed here)

  • A Raspberry Pi device with Raspberry Pi OS that you can SSH into


For some use cases, you may want to deploy a model to an edge device for inference rather than as an API service endpoint.

With edge deployment often comes device resource constraints, sporadic connectivity, and deployment orchestration challenges.

To solve these challenges, you can use one of the many Dataiku Saved Model export options and then distribute the model using an edge deployment service.

AWS IoT Greengrass is a popular open-source edge runtime and cloud service for building, deploying, and managing device software.

In this tutorial you will see how to set up a Raspberry Pi edge device, connect it to AWS IoT Greengrass, package a Dataiku Saved Model as a Python function, and deploy it as an inferencing component to the edge device via Greengrass. This tutorial contains a no-code plugin approach and a full-code custom Python approach.

Dataset and model#

This tutorial is based on a model trained on the Bank Marketing Dataset to predict whether a given client will subscribe to a term deposit (column y). You should already have it in your Flow as a Saved Model version.

Figure 1 -- Dataiku Flow with Saved Model

Figure 1 – Dataiku Flow with Saved Model#

Setting up the Edge Device (Raspberry Pi) as a Core Device and Thing in AWS IoT Greengrass#


These instructions roughly follow the AWS IoT Greengrass Developer Guide, Version 2. Check that guide for differences in setup (e.g. a Windows edge device instead of Raspberry Pi) and troubleshooting help.

  1. SSH into the edge device (where username is your Linux user and pi-ip-address is your Raspberry Pi IP address, which you can find with ping raspberry.local if connected on the same network).

    ssh username@pi-ip-address
  2. Install the Java runtime, which AWS IoT Greengrass Core software requires.

    sudo apt install default-jdk
  3. When the installation is complete, run the following command to verify that Java runs on your Raspberry Pi.

    java -version
  4. The command prints the version of Java that runs on the device. The output might look similar to the following example.

    openjdk version "17.0.13" 2024-10-15
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.13+11-Debian-2deb12u1)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.13+11-Debian-2deb12u1, mixed mode, sharing)
  5. Update the Linux kernel parameters by opening this file.

    sudo nano /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt
  6. Verify that the /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt file contains the following kernel parameters. If it doesn’t contain these parameters or it contains these parameters with different values, update the file to contain these parameters and values.

    cgroup_enable=memory cgroup_memory=1 systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0
  7. If you updated the /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt file, reboot the Raspberry Pi to apply the changes (then SSH back into it).

    sudo reboot
    ssh username@pi-ip-address
  8. Install the AWS CLI.

    sudo apt install awscli
  9. Add your AWS credentials to the Raspberry Pi environment. Ensure you have the minimum permissions listed here.

    export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-2
  10. Make sure you’re in the user home directory.

    cd ~
  11. Download the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software.

    curl -s >
  12. Unzip the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software to a folder on your device. In this case, we used GreengrassInstaller.

    unzip -d GreengrassInstaller && rm
  13. Launch the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software installer. We use the Greengrass thing name DataikuGreengrassRaspberryPi, the thing group name DataikuGreengrassRaspberryPiGroup, and the us-east-2 region. Feel free to change these.

    sudo -E java -Droot="/greengrass/v2" \
      -jar ./GreengrassInstaller/lib/Greengrass.jar \
      --aws-region us-east-2 \
      --thing-name DataikuGreengrassRaspberryPi \
      --thing-group-name DataikuGreengrassRaspberryPiGroup \
      --thing-policy-name GreengrassV2IoTThingPolicy \
      --tes-role-name GreengrassV2TokenExchangeRole \
      --tes-role-alias-name GreengrassCoreTokenExchangeRoleAlias \
      --component-default-user ggc_user:ggc_group \
      --provision true \
      --setup-system-service true \
      --deploy-dev-tools true

    Running this command should print out several messages. Check that the last four lines look like this:

    Successfully configured Nucleus with provisioned resource details!
    Creating a deployment for Greengrass first party components to the thing group
    Configured Nucleus to deploy aws.greengrass.Cli component
    Successfully set up Nucleus as a system service
  14. Confirm that the Greengrass CLI was installed (it may take a minute).

    /greengrass/v2/bin/greengrass-cli help
  15. Check the status of your new core device Thing (DataikuGreengrassRaspberryPi).

    aws greengrassv2 list-effective-deployments --core-device-thing-name DataikuGreengrassRaspberryPi

    You should see JSON. Look for this key pair to confirm that the deployment succeeded: "coreDeviceExecutionStatus": "SUCCEEDED".

    You’ll also see DataikuGreengrassRaspberryPi in the AWS Console under Greengrass -> Core devices.

    Figure 2 -- Greengrass Core Device

    Figure 2 – Greengrass Core Device#

  16. In the AWS console, create a new IAM policy (you can call it DataikuGreengrassComponentArtifactPolicy), and grant the s3:GetObject permission on an S3 bucket that Dataiku has write access to (replace DKU_S3_BUCKET with your bucket name).

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": [
          "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::DKU_S3_BUCKET/*"
  17. Attach this policy to the IAM Role GreengrassV2TokenExchangeRole that you created earlier. This way, your IoT devices can pull down the model component artifacts from S3.

  18. Finally, copy a CSV of sample records to the Raspberry Pi filesystem in the /dataiku_scoring_data subdirectory. Make sure to name the file input_data_for_scoring.csv. Our model scoring component will look for this specific file name in this particular location on the device. You can, of course, customize this yourself later on.

    You can start by exporting the training dataset locally - here, I’m taking just the first 100 records to keep things speedy.

    Figure 3 -- Dataiku Dataset Export

    Figure 3 – Dataiku Dataset Export#

    Figure 4 -- Dataiku Dataset Export Sampling

    Figure 4 – Dataiku Dataset Export Sampling#

  19. On the Raspberry Pi, create the /dataiku_scoring_data directory and open up permissions.

    sudo mkdir /dataiku_scoring_data
    sudo chmod -R 777 /dataiku_scoring_data
  20. Rename the exported file as input_data_for_scoring.csv, then scp it from your local machine to the Raspberry Pi.

    scp ~/Downloads/input_data_for_scoring.csv username@pi-ip-address:/dataiku_scoring_data

Deploying a Dataiku Model as a Component to Greengrass Devices#

Now that the Raspberry Pi has been set up as a Core Device and Thing in IoT Greengrass, we’ll now take our Dataiku Saved Model, wrap it into a scoring service, turn that scoring service into a Greengrass component, then deploy the component to our device.

The scoring service, called, will read a CSV file from a known path on the device (/dataiku_scoring_data/input_data_for_scoring.csv), load the trained model, and produce an enriched output file, also on the device (/dataiku_scoring_data/output_data_with_predictions.csv), with the prediction results. The script will essentially be a CLI tool that will accept four arguments:

  • the path to the input file,

  • the path to the exported model to use for scoring,

  • the desired path for the generated output file,

  • an optional flag to generate the predicted probabilities for each class.

We’ll now use the Dataiku APIs and AWS Greengrass SDKs to deploy a Dataiku Saved Model to an edge device service.


Installing the plugin and configuring AWS credentials requires Dataiku Administrator privileges.

  1. Install this plugin. It will prompt you to build a plugin code environment.

  2. Go to the plugin Settings > AWS configuration presets and enter the AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, Session Token (if required), and AWS region. These credentials should have "greengrass:*" on "Resource": "*" permissions to create, delete, modify, and list Greengrass components and deployments.

    Figure 5 -- Plugin AWS Configuration Presets

    Figure 5 – Plugin AWS Configuration Presets#

  3. Click + Recipe > AWS IoT Greengrass > Deploy to Greengrass Devices.

    Figure 6 -- Find Plugin Recipe

    Figure 6 – Find Plugin Recipe#

    Figure 7 -- Create Plugin Recipe

    Figure 7 – Create Plugin Recipe#

  4. Choose your Saved Model as an input, and create a new folder in an S3 connection (this connection should link to the bucket on which your Greengrass device has S3:GetOject permission).

    Figure 8 -- Plugin Recipe Input/Output

    Figure 8 – Plugin Recipe Input/Output#

  5. Choose your AWS configuration in the plugin recipe settings and enter the ARN for the Greengrass Thing (or Thing Group) just created. You can find this in the AWS console (e.g., arn:aws:iot:REGION:AWS_ACCOUNT:thing/DataikuGreengrassRaspberryPi).

    You can leave the component name and version as DataikuScoreEdge and 1.0.0 or change them.

    Figure 9 -- Plugin Recipe Settings

    Figure 9 – Plugin Recipe Settings#

    The plugin, by default, will create the scoring component we described earlier.


    If you’d like to customize the component, check Fully Custom Component, write your component recipe JSON directly in the plugin recipe, and upload your file to the output S3 folder, specifically in the subdirectory artifacts/dataiku.greengrass.YOUR_COMPONENT_NAME/YOUR_COMPONENT_VERSION. The plugin will handle packaging the Dataiku Saved model and uploading it to the S3 directory as and output the requirements.txt file.

    AWS has documentation and a tutorial on custom Greengrass components.

  6. Run the recipe, and check out the output folder. You should see a file greengrass_component_deployment_status.txt with the deployment status details. Look for "coreDeviceExecutionStatus": "SUCCEEDED" when deploying to a Thing, and "deploymentStatus": "ACTIVE" when deploying to a Thing Group.

    Figure 10 -- Dataiku Flow with Greengrass Deployment

    Figure 10 – Dataiku Flow with Greengrass Deployment#

    You should see,, and requirements.txt in the output folder in the subpath artifacts/dataiku.greengrass.YOUR_COMPONENT_NAME/YOUR_COMPONENT_VERSION

    Figure 11 -- Output Folder with Component Files

    Figure 11 – Output Folder with Component Files#

Your model is now deployed to the edge device!

  • If you return to the Raspberry Pi, check out the newly-created /dataiku_scoring_data/output_data_with_predictions.csv file. You should see new columnms: y , proba_no, and proba_yes!

    head /dataiku_scoring_data/output_data_with_predictions.csv
  • You can also check the deployment logs.

    sudo tail -f /greengrass/v2/logs/dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge.log
    2025-02-04T14:37:47.470Z [INFO] (Copier) dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge: stdout. age           job  marital  education  ... poutcome   y  proba_no proba_yes. {scriptName=services.dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge.lifecycle.Run, serviceName=dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge, currentState=RUNNING}
    2025-02-04T14:37:47.470Z [INFO] (Copier) dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge: stdout. 0   58    management  married   tertiary  ...  unknown  no  0.790262  0.209738. {scriptName=services.dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge.lifecycle.Run, serviceName=dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge, currentState=RUNNING}
    2025-02-04T14:37:47.471Z [INFO] (Copier) dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge: stdout. 1   44    technician   single  secondary  ...  unknown  no  0.949225  0.050775. {scriptName=services.dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge.lifecycle.Run, serviceName=dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge, currentState=RUNNING}
    2025-02-04T14:37:47.471Z [INFO] (Copier) dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge: stdout. 2   33  entrepreneur  married  secondary  ...  unknown  no  0.977645  0.022355. {scriptName=services.dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge.lifecycle.Run, serviceName=dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge, currentState=RUNNING}
    2025-02-04T14:37:47.472Z [INFO] (Copier) dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge: stdout. 3   47   blue-collar  married    unknown  ...  unknown  no  0.939934  0.060066. {scriptName=services.dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge.lifecycle.Run, serviceName=dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge, currentState=RUNNING}
    2025-02-04T14:37:47.473Z [INFO] (Copier) dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge: stdout. 4   33       unknown   single    unknown  ...  unknown  no  0.710869  0.289131. {scriptName=services.dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge.lifecycle.Run, serviceName=dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge, currentState=RUNNING}
    2025-02-04T14:37:47.473Z [INFO] (Copier) dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge: stdout. {scriptName=services.dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge.lifecycle.Run, serviceName=dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge, currentState=RUNNING}
    2025-02-04T14:37:47.474Z [INFO] (Copier) dataiku.greengrass.DataikuScoreEdge: stdout. [5 rows x 19 columns]. 

Wrapping up#

From this starting point, you can swap the Bank Marketing model with your own use case. You can customize the scoring script and Greengrass component recipe to do something different on an edge device.