This page lists usage examples for performing various operations with recipes through Dataiku Python API. In all examples, project
is a dataikuapi.dss.project.DSSProject
handle, obtained using client.get_project()
or client.get_default_project()
Basic operations#
Listing recipes#
recipes = project.list_recipes()
# Returns a list of DSSRecipeListItem
for recipe in recipes:
# Quick access to main information in the recipe list item
print("Name: %s" %
print("Type: %s" % recipe.type)
print("Tags: %s" % recipe.tags) # Returns a list of strings
# You can also use the list item as a dict of all available recipe information
print("Raw: %s" % recipe)
Deleting a recipe#
recipe = project.get_recipe('myrecipe')
Recipe creation#
Please see Flow creation and management
Recipe status#
You can compute the status of the recipe, which also provides you with the engine information.
Find the engine used to run a recipe#
recipe = project.get_recipe("myrecipe")
status = recipe.get_status()
Check if a recipe is valid#
calls the validation code of the recipe
recipe = project.get_recipe("myrecipe")
status = recipe.get_status()
Find the engines for all recipes of a certain type#
This example shows how to filter a list, obtain DSSRecipe
objects for the list items, and getting their status
for list_item in project.list_recipes():
if list_item.type == "grouping":
recipe = list_item.to_recipe()
engine = recipe.get_status().get_selected_engine_details()["type"]
print("Recipe %s uses engine %s" % (, engine))
Recipe settings#
When you use get_settings()
on a recipe, you receive a settings object whose class depends on the recipe type. Please see below for the possible types.
Checking if a recipe uses a particular dataset as input#
recipe = project.get_recipe("myrecipe")
settings = recipe.get_settings()
print("Recipe %s uses input:%s" % (, settings.has_input("mydataset"))
Replacing an input of a recipe#
recipe = project.get_recipe("myrecipe")
settings = recipe.get_settings()
settings.replace_input("old_input", "new_input")
Setting the code env of a code recipe#
recipe = project.get_recipe("myrecipe")
settings = recipe.get_settings()
# Use this to set the recipe to inherit the project's code env
# Use this to set the recipe to use a specific code env
Reference documentation#
List and status#
A handle to an existing recipe on the DSS instance. |
An item in a list of recipes. |
Status of a recipe. |
Handle on a set of required updates to the schema of the outputs of a recipe. |
Settings of a recipe. |
Settings of a recipe. |
Settings of a code recipe. |
Settings of a Sync recipe. |
Settings of a Prepare recipe. |
Settings of a sampling recipe. |
Settings of a grouping recipe. |
Settings of a Sort recipe. |
Settings of a TopN recipe. |
Settings of a Distinct recipe. |
Settings of a Pivot recipe. |
Settings of a Window recipe. |
Settings of a join recipe. |
Settings of a download recipe. |
Settings of a split recipe. |
Settings of a stack recipe. |
Helper to create new recipes. |
Create a recipe that has a single output. |
Create a recipe that has a single output and several inputs. |
Create a recipe running a script. |
Create a Python recipe. |
Create a SQL query recipe. |
Create a Prepare recipe |
Create a Sync recipe |
Create a Sample/Filter recipe |
Create a Distinct recipe |
Create a Group recipe. |
Create a Pivot recipe |
Create a Sort recipe |
Create a TopN recipe |
Create a Window recipe |
Create a Join recipe. |
Create a FuzzyJoin recipe |
Create a GeoJoin recipe |
Create a Split recipe |
Create a Stack recipe |
Create a Download recipe |
Create a new Prediction scoring recipe. |
Create a new Clustering scoring recipe,. |
Create a new Evaluate recipe. |
Create a new Standalone Evaluate recipe. |
Create a continuous Sync recipe |
Helper class to build filter objects for use in visual recipes. |
An enumeration. |