
The API offers methods to retrieve the list of jobs and their status, so that they can be monitored. Additionally, new jobs can be created to build datasets.

Reading the jobs’ status#

The list of all jobs, finished or not, can be fetched with the dataikuapi.dss.project.DSSProject.list_jobs() method. For example, to retrieve job failures posterior to a given date:

import dataiku

date = '2015/09/24'
date_as_timestamp = int(datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y/%m/%d").strftime('%s')) * 1000
client = dataiku.api_client()
project = client.get_default_project()
jobs = project.list_jobs()
failed_jobs = [job for job in jobs if job['state'] == 'FAILED' and job['def']['initiationTimestamp'] >= date_as_timestamp]

The method list_jobs() returns all job information for each job, as a JSON object. Important fields are:

        'def': {   'id': 'build_cat_train_hdfs_NP_2015-09-28T09-17-37.455',    # the identifier for the job
                'initiationTimestamp': 1443431857455,                      # timestamp of when the job was submitted
                'initiator': 'API (aa)',
                'mailNotification': False,
                'name': 'build_cat_train_hdfs_NP',
                'outputs': [   {   'targetDataset': 'cat_train_hdfs',      # the dataset(s) built by the job
                                    'targetDatasetProjectKey': 'IMPALA',
                                    'targetPartition': 'NP',
                                    'type': 'DATASET'}],
                'projectKey': 'IMPALA',
                'refreshHiveMetastore': False,
                'refreshIntermediateMirrors': True,
                'refreshTargetMirrors': True,
                'triggeredFrom': 'API',
                'type': 'NON_RECURSIVE_FORCED_BUILD'},
    'endTime': 0,
    'stableState': True,
    'startTime': 0,
    'state': 'ABORTED',                                                    # the stable state of the job
    'warningsCount': 0}

The id field is needed to get a handle of the job and call abort() or get_log() on it.

Starting new jobs#

Datasets can be built by creating a job of which they are the output. A job is created by building a job definition and starting it. For a simple non-partitioned dataset, this is done with:

import dataiku
import time

client = dataiku.api_client()
project = client.get_default_project()

definition = {
        "type" : "NON_RECURSIVE_FORCED_BUILD",
        "outputs" : [{
            "id" : "dataset_to_build",
            "type": "DATASET",
            "partition" : "NP"
job = project.start_job(definition)
state = ''
while state != 'DONE' and state != 'FAILED' and state != 'ABORTED':
        state = job.get_status()['baseStatus']['state']
# done!

The example above uses start_job() to start a job, and then checks the job state every second until it is complete. Alternatively, the method start_job_and_wait() can be used to start a job and return only after job completion.

The start_job() method returns a job handle that can be used to later abort the job. Other jobs can be aborted once their id is known. For example, to abort all jobs currently being processed:

import dataiku

client = dataiku.api_client()
project = client.get_default_project()
for job in project.list_jobs():
    if job['stableState'] == False:

Here’s another example of using new_job() to build a managed folder and the with_output method as an alternative to creating a dictionary job definition:

import dataiku

client = dataiku.api_client()
project = client.get_default_project()
# where O2ue6CX3 is the managed folder id
job = project.new_job('RECURSIVE_FORCED_BUILD').with_output('O2ue6CX3', object_type='MANAGED_FOLDER')
res = job.start_and_wait()

Aborting jobs#

Jobs can be individually be aborted using the abort() method. The following example shows how to extend it to abort all jobs of a given Project.

import dataiku

client = dataiku.api_client()
project = client.get_default_project()
aborted_jobs = []
for job in project.list_jobs():
    if not job["stableState"]:
        job_id = job["def"]["id"]
print(f"Deleted {len(aborted_jobs)} running jobs")

Reference documentation#


Helper to run a job.

dataikuapi.dss.job.DSSJob(client, ...)

A job on the DSS instance.


Creates a helper to wait for the completion of a job.