Scenarios (in a scenario)#

This is the documentation of the API for use within scenarios.


This API can only be used within a scenario in order to run steps and report on progress of the current scenario.

If you want to control scenarios, please see Scenarios

For usage information and examples, see Scenarios (in a scenario)

class dataiku.scenario.Scenario#

Handle to the current (running) scenario.

add_report_item(object_ref, partition, report_item)#

When used in the code of a custom step, adds a report item to the current step run

get_message_sender(channel_id, type=None)#

Gets a sender for reporting messages, using one of DSS’s Messaging channels


Gets a handle to query previous builds


Returns the type of the trigger that launched this scenario run


Returns the name (if defined) of the trigger that launched this scenario run


Returns a dictionary of the params set by the trigger that launched this scenario run


Define additional variables in this scenario run


Returns the results of the steps previously executed in this scenario run. For example, if a SQL step ran before in the scenario, and its name is ‘the_sql’, then the list returned by this function will be like:

        'stepName': 'the_sql',
        'result': {
            'success': True,
            'hasResultset': True,
            'columns': [ {'type': 'int8', 'name': 'a'}, {'type': 'varchar', 'name': 'b'} ],
            'totalRows': 2,
            'rows': [
                        ['1000', 'min'],
                        ['2500', 'max']
            'log': '',
            'endedOn': 0,
            'totalRowsClipped': False

Important note: the exact structure of each type of step run output is not precisely defined, and may vary from a DSS release to another


Returns a dictionary of all variables (including the scenario-specific values)

run_step(step, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True, **kwargs)#

Run a step in this scenario.

  • step (BuildFlowItemsStepDefHelper) – Must be a step definition returned by dataiku.scenario.BuildFlowItemsStepDefHelper.get_step(). (See code sample below)

  • asynchronous (bool) – If True, the function launches a step run and returns immediately a dataiku.scenario.step.StepHandle object, on which the user will need to call dataiku.scenario.step.StepHandle.is_done() or dataiku.scenario.step.StepHandle.wait_for_completion(). Otherwise the function waits until the step has finished running and returns the result of the step.

  • fail_fatal (bool) – If True, returns an Exception if the step fails.

Code sample:

# Code sample to build several datasets in a scenario step
from dataiku.scenario import Scenario
from dataiku.scenario import BuildFlowItemsStepDefHelper

# The Scenario object is the main handle from which you initiate steps
scenario = Scenario()

# Create a 'Build Flow Items' step.
step = BuildFlowItemsStepDefHelper("build_datasets_step")

# Add each dataset / folder / model to build
step.add_dataset("dataset_name_1", "project_key")
step.add_dataset("dataset_name_2", "project_key")
step.add_dataset("dataset_name_3", "project_key")

# Run the scenario step. The dependencies engine will parallelize what can be parallelized.
new_build_flowitems_step(step_name=None, build_mode='RECURSIVE_BUILD')#

Creates and returns a helper to prepare a multi-item “build” step.


a BuildFlowItemsStepDefHelper object

build_dataset(dataset_name, project_key=None, build_mode='RECURSIVE_BUILD', partitions=None, step_name=None, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True, **kwargs)#

Executes the build of a dataset

  • dataset_name – name of the dataset to build

  • project_key – optional, project key of the project in which the dataset is built


  • partitions – can be given as a partitions spec, variables expansion is supported

build_folder(folder_id, project_key=None, build_mode='RECURSIVE_BUILD', partitions=None, step_name=None, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True, **kwargs)#

Executes the build of a folder

  • folder_id – the identifier of the folder (!= its name)

  • partitions – Can be given as a partitions spec. Variables expansion is supported

train_model(model_id, project_key=None, build_mode='RECURSIVE_BUILD', step_name=None, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True, **kwargs)#

Executes the train of a saved model


model_id – the identifier of the model (!= its name)

build_evaluation_store(evaluation_store_id, project_key=None, build_mode='RECURSIVE_BUILD', step_name=None, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True)#

Executes the build of a model evaluation store, to produce a model evalution


evaluation_store_id – the identifier of the model evaluation store (!= its name)

invalidate_dataset_cache(dataset_name, project_key=None, step_name=None, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True, **kwargs)#

Invalidate the caches of a dataset

clear_dataset(dataset_name, project_key=None, partitions=None, step_name=None, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True, **kwargs)#

Executes a ‘clear’ operation on a dataset


partitions – Can be given as a partitions spec. Variables expansion is supported

clear_folder(folder_id, project_key=None, step_name=None, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True, **kwargs)#

Executes a ‘clear’ operation on a managed folder

run_dataset_checks(dataset_name, project_key=None, partitions=None, step_name=None, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True, **kwargs)#

Runs the checks defined on a dataset


partitions – Can be given as a partitions spec. Variables expansion is supported

compute_dataset_metrics(dataset_name, project_key=None, partitions=None, step_name=None, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True, **kwargs)#

Computes the metrics defined on a dataset


partitions – Can be given as a partitions spec. Variables expansion is supported

synchronize_hive_metastore(dataset_name, project_key=None, step_name=None, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True, **kwargs)#

Synchronizes the Hive metastore from the dataset definition for a single dataset (all partitions).

update_from_hive_metastore(dataset_name, project_key=None, step_name=None, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True, **kwargs)#

Update a single dataset definition (all partitions) from its table in the Hive metastore .

execute_sql(connection, sql, step_name=None, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True, **kwargs)#

Executes a sql query

  • connection – name of the DSS connection to run the query one

  • sql – the query to run

set_project_variables(project_key=None, step_name=None, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True, **kwargs)#

Sets variables on the project. The variables are passed as named parameters to this function. For example:

s.set_project_variables(‘PROJ’, var1=’value1’, var2=True)

will add 2 variables var1 and var2 in the project’s variables, with values ‘value1’ and True respectively

set_global_variables(step_name=None, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True, **kwargs)#

Sets variables on the DSS instance. The variables are passed as named parameters to this function. For example:

s.set_global_variables(var1=’value1’, var2=True)

will add 2 variables var1 and var2 in the instance’s variables, with values ‘value1’ and True respectively

run_global_variables_update(update_code=None, step_name=None, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True, **kwargs)#

Run the code for updating the DSS instance’s variable defined in the global settings.


update_code – custom code to run instead of the one defined in the global settings

run_scenario(scenario_id, project_key=None, name=None, asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=True, **kwargs)#

Runs a scenario

  • scenario_id – identifier of the scenario (can be different from its name)

  • project_key – optional project key of the project where the scenario is defined (defaults to current project)

  • name – optional name of the step

  • asynchronous (bool) – If True, waits for result, else immediately returns a future. See dataiku.scenario.run_step() for details.

  • fail_fatal (bool) – If True, returns an Exception if the step fails.. See dataiku.scenario.run_step() for details.

Code sample:

# Code sample to run another scenario asynchronously without failing
from dataiku.scenario import Scenario

result = scenario.run_scenario("ANOTHER_SCENARIO", asynchronous=False, fail_fatal=False)
create_jupyter_export(notebook_id, execute_notebook=False, name=None, asynchronous=False, **kwargs)#

Create a new export from a jupyter notebook

  • notebook_id – identifier of the notebook

  • execute_notebook – should the notebook be executed prior to the export

package_api_service(service_id, package_id, transmogrify=False, name=None, asynchronous=False, **kwargs)#

Make a package for an API service.

  • service_id – identifier of the API service

  • package_id – identifier for the created package

  • transmogrify – if True, make the package_id unique by appending a number (if not unique already)

class dataiku.scenario.BuildFlowItemsStepDefHelper(scenario, step_name=None, build_mode='RECURSIVE_BUILD')#

Helper to build the definition of a ‘Build Flow Items’ step. Multiple items can be added

add_dataset(dataset_name, project_key=None, partitions=None)#

Add a dataset to build

  • dataset_name – name of the dataset

  • partitions – partition spec

add_folder(folder_id, project_key=None, partitions=None)#

Add a folder to build


folder_id – identifier of a folder (!= its name)

add_model(model_id, project_key=None)#

Add a saved model to build


model_id – identifier of a saved model (!= its name)

add_evaluation_store(evaluation_store_id, project_key=None)#

Add a model evaluation store to build


evaluation_store_id – identifier of a model evaluation store (!= its name)


Get the step definition